Create new Code Template, + button grayed out
I'm trying to figure out how to create a new C++ code template (something like a comment for sectioning off portions of a large cpp file), however I'm finding that the plus button for 'Creating a New Template' is grayed out and I can't make a new one. Please see attached screenshot. Is this unexpected behavior, or am I misunderstanding the process for adding a new, reusable piece of C++ code?
Screenshot 2016-01-02 17.36.48.png
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Live Templates two lines down from File and Code Templates may be a better option for doing what you are trying to do. Code disables the buttons in my copy of CLion too, so it might not be possible to modify the default items in that list.
Hi Rich.
You may try to use live templates feture. Please see CLion web help:
Great, got it working with Live Templates. Thanks to you both!