CLion on OSX constantly freezes
I'm on OSX 10.9.5 and been trying out CLion since EAP Version 1.x. This problem has always been there. In recent times it got a lot worse, though. I am developing a medium sized C++ project (set up with CMAKE) mainly based on template programming. I observe constant and pretty much reliably reproducable freezes when I do one of the following:
* Command-Click on a symbol.
* Break in template classes
* Some other problems that seem to cause this, but I can't really reproduce those so reliably.
When the freezes occur, occasionally it takes a few seconds (~10s) and snaps out of it, in most instances though there is nothing to do but to restart the IDE. When the freezes happen I get 200% - 400% CPU (it's locking up 2-4 cores) and the IDE becomes completely unresponsive. However, Finder still registers it as 'active' (still showing 'quit' not 'force quit' as option to end in the dock), which makes me think this is perhaps a thread issue. I have tried the following steps to remedy the problems without avail:
* Invalidate caches and restart
* Increase the JVM memory parameters
* Delete the CLion directory in ~/Library
* Delete all Clion related preferences etc.
* Re-install the software from scratch
* Delete my project and check out from scratch
* Run the project with different CMAKE options
Anyways: any ideas on how to remedy the situation are greatly appreciated!
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Hi Jürgen!
Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you please capture a CPU snapshot so we can take a look at what is going on?
thanks for the response. One complication arose: when I added the -agentlib:yjpagent=delay=10000 line to the vmoptions, the IDE froze so completely that i couldn't even enter the menu to stop cpu profiling. I took the line out again and did a sample with the OSX activity monitor instead, perhaps that can provide some insight?
By the way: this is the content of my ~/Library/Preferences/CLion12/clion.vmoptions file, in case you can spot something wrong with it. I actually changed the settings in the application wrapper before, would that be a problem?
The sample from activity monitor is attached.
Hi Jürgen!
Could you please capture a CPU snapshot according to this guide? It would help us in our investigation!
I can't. When I try it freezes so completely that it becomes impossible. Sorry.
When IDE hangs and doesn't respond so that you can't use the menu to capture the snapshot, could you please provide the thread dumps?
Done. Please find attached to this post.
Here is another one, freeze occured on 'right click->find usages'.
Here's another one, this time during debugging:
And once more, during debugging again (navigating the call stack).
Just to breathe some life into this thread again: the problem persists in 1.2.4.
Hi Jürgen.
Sorry for the delay. We've analyzed some thread dumps and found out that there are some problems with symbols resolving. Could you also send us your project, please? It would help us a lot! You can use our private FTP: (anonymous login, .uploads directory has no permissions to list/download files, only for upload, so that other users will not be able to download your files). It could be extremely useful!
Sure thing. It's a public project anyways:
Hello Anna,
are there any developments?
Kind Regards,
Hello Anna,
I tried this once more with the latest build. It doesn't freeze when clicking on header files any more, however it DOES still freeze when trying to navigate symbols (aka class names, methods etc.).
Any news on this frustrating issue?
The issue still persists in version 2016.3.2. Any updates?
I've same issue in Fedora 24 ( across all CLion versions) , there is a constant freeze, here is clion64.vmoptions file. My computer has 32 GB RAM and it's i7 4790K. At the moment I'm using latest version CLion 2017.1 EAP.
I'm forced to use other tools like KDevelop and Sublime text. ( they are not integrated well with Git and Debugging, if this were not the case I would not have used CLion. It's a real shame that IntelliJ works so nicely with a very huge project, however CLion simply is not a robust product, My project has only 10 sources files and few header files, boost is the only other c++ library i'm using apart from standard c++14. Still it freezes to resolve symbols, freezes to auto reload cmake file etc.)
Are there any updates? I have the very same issue
same problem here. even with the latest 2016.3.4 release
I also get 400% cpu freezes when switching between .cpp and .hpp files with shift-splat-up
We've fixed CPP-3829 in the latest CLion 2017.1 EAP. Please try using it, some related problems should go away. If the problems still persist please send us CPU snapshots or thread dumps to clion-support at or file the issue in our tracker directly. We are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience!
same here, I use Clion on both macos andUbuntuu, it frequently got freeze especially during debug.
Hello there, On my Mac with CLion version
I still have terribly freezes, especially when I'm trying to go to a definition or just typing and CLion trying to resolve options for autocomplete. Also, it stucks when I'm using double shift(search everywhere).
My memory indicator always stay about 1000mb
I have the next VM options
Please, help me with that problem
@Voltento, @Cxh131530, in order to investigate your issues, we need additional information. Please send automatically generated thread dumps which are located in the logs folder to clion-support at so we could tale a look.