Displaying cyrillic symbols in terminal

Hello! I need your help: CLion displays cyrrilics in wrong way.
Без імені.png
I use UTF-8 encoding everywhere.
Без імені.png
Changine encoding to windows-1251 dosen't work.
Без імені.png

What can you reccomend me to do?




Hi Anton.

CLion doesn't support UTF-8 output on Windows. Feel free to create the issue in our tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/CPP.
Please use windows-1251 if it is possible (it works for me with Cygwin, also please check that Current language for non-Unicode programs is selected to Russian in Windows language settings).


Thank you!


Hi Anton.

I've created the issue in the tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/CPP-4558. Feel free to comment or upovte.


Ну так какой же способ отобразить русские буквы в консоли ? Да без разницы уже какая кодировка...


I'm having this same issue, but with a different language. I'm using  MinGW x64 6.2.0 and CLion 2016.2.3. I've tried setting encoding to windows-1251 everywhere, but this only changes how the extended ASCII is mangled, instead of actually fixing it.

Windows-1251 doesn't seem like a solution, as it doesn't include the characters I'm wanting to use.
As to changing Windows' configuration, I'm having a hard time believing this would be necessary as CLI applications produced with other dev tools have no issues rendering scandinavian characters.


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