clion 'freezes'.
Im new to programming and in particular to CLion.
Ever since i've been using clion, i've encountered numerous 'freezes' while trying to code
simple C commands like printf,puts etc.
thanks in advence
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Hi Alex.
Performance problems may be caused by insufficient amount of memory. Please try enabling memory indicator (Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance | Show memory indicator) and keep an eye on it for some time. If it is close to the limit at the time when you are experiencing the problems, then try to increase the Xmx JVM option according to this guide.
Does that help?
Hi Anna,
I don't understand how to change vmoptions.
Tried it through CLion ,but was forbidden - "Access is denied".
Did you try to edit this file as an Administrator?
How do i do it via CLion (or not via CLion)?
(told you im a newbie :8})
please try the following actions:
Right click on CLion shortcut - Run as Administrator - open clion.64.exe.vmoptions - change xmx value - save changes - restart CLion.
Does that help?
Seems like it does.
Thank you so much.
I also have constant freezes. But it is not linked to memory. My memory usage reports 556 out of 1987M.
My project is a large one, using a lot of template and the template parser fails at quite a few things. I've reported the ones for which I can easily make a self contained example as bugs.
Freezes happen when I double click on variables, or when I right-click to go to the context menu.
It happens so commonly as to make CLion unuseable on this project.
Any way to find out what is going on?
PS: Sometimes, just clicking inside the editor window will cause it to freeze.
Hi Michel.
Please specify which CLion version are you using and also OS.
Could you please capture a CPU snapshot so we can take a look at what is going on? It would be very useful for our investigation.
Mac OS X 10.10.5, CLion 1.1 with bundled jdk.
I am attaching one snapshot as it was frozen.
Message was edited by: Michel Lesoinne to add two more snapshots.
Hi Michel.
Thank you for the stacks!
Could you also please capture CPU snapshot? You can do it via Start CPU Usage Profiling and Stop CPU Usage Profiling actions.