Java -vm parameters not configurable before REPL starts
Please add the feature to configure the Java -vm parameters before the REPL. You can't change it once the JVM is fired up. I looked at the code from (build method)
List<String> vmParams = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> programParams = new ArrayList<String>();
File outputDir = chunk.representativeTarget().getOutputDir();
File fileWithCompileScript = FileUtil.createTempFile("clojurekul", ".clj");
fillFileWithClojureCompilerParams(toCompile, toCompileNamespace, fileWithCompileScript, outputDir);
List<String> commandLine =
ExternalProcessUtil.buildJavaCommandLine(javaExecutable, CLOJURE_MAIN, Collections.<String>emptyList(), classpath, vmParams, programParams);
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(ArrayUtil.toStringArray(commandLine));
Please either put in a text box or just let me specify it in a file. This is a very important feature for me.
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Forget it. I see it under facet settings.
Please create appropriate issue in our issue tracker:
I think it would be simple to fix, so I'll be able to close it ASAP.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.