Bugs no longer being triaged?

I've noticed that the responsiveness to bugs has really dropped off since the first few months of release, and it also seems that bugs are closed and marked as fixed when they're not really fixed.



That's actually still the same issue as:


They stopped the initial sync of the schema, but they never fixed the underlying issue of the actual schemas and tables tab not being persisted once the data source is created. That same bug seems to affect any other type of data source that is created (jTDS in my case), not just Oracle.

There's other bugs that are going unnoticed for long periods of time as well. Is the product still being developed?

Also, I know that 0xDBE is beta - but this is also a plugin for the production release of PyCharm and IntelliJ IDEA as well, both of which I am a licensed user of.



Hello Kevin,

Of course not a single issue is left out of sight and is dispatched and prioritized for fixing. Please note that there are a lot of issues logged but resources are limited, so some problems may take more time resolve. Regarding this particauler problem, I've redirected your feedback to the developer.

Also, I know that 0xDBE is beta - but this is also a plugin for the production release of PyCharm and IntelliJ IDEA as well, both of which I am a licensed user of.

The 0xDBE is a very new and young product and is a EAP in a sense of general product shape and feature set.


The 0xDBE is a very new and young product and is a EAP in a sense of general product shape and feature set.

That's exactly what I was getting at, Andrey. While 0xDBE may be an EAP, the same functionality (and bugs) exist in the production version of the plugin that is released with PyCharm and IDEA.

The schema sync issue has been around since the launch of the product, and is still not resolved. I'm pretty quickly losing any faith I had in JetBrains to maintain or improve this (and other) products.


Kevin, you are absolutely right. Our schema-sync logic did not changed much in the past.

The good news is that we currently work on a completely new vendor-specific logic that will provide full view of all the DB entities,
correct data types and so on. And it should be as fast as the underlying database technology allows.

This task is the main cause 0xDBE is still in like alpha EAP and not in beta EAP (traditional JetBrains EAP) state.


Gregory - indicating as much to the people who have filed the bugs would go a long way to showing them that their input and feedback are being addressed.


This bug still persist more than a year after being reported. That's a pretty sad state of affairs.


Hello Kevin,

Both https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-1135 and https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-202 issues were fixed.There could be different kind of issue. Please create YouTrack ticket, describing the exact problem you see. Please specify DB type, DB version (output from Test Connection button in Data Source Properties dialog) and 0xBDE version you are using. Thanks.


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