0xDBE on OSX with MySQL Connection no show database structure
0xDBE install OSX on my machine .
Configure the connection , opened it and tried a query successfully.
But when searching the structure of the database could not find , I mean that in the tree tables , procedures and other objects are not unfurled . Only visible the connection.
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Hello Carlos, sorry for delayed reply. Please make sure that corresponding Schemas are selected in Schemas & Tables tab for created MySQL connection Data Source https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/data-sources-and-drivers-dialog.html#schemasAndTablesTab .
The Schemas are selected, is one of many things that i did, but the result is same.
Does it help if Synchronize selected scheme:
No work with the refresh icon, besides the checkbox on the connection configuration. Same result.
Could you please attach screnshots of all tabs of your Data Source Properties dialog. Also please attach idea.log file https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206827517 after IDE restart and connection to the database. Thanks.
Uninstall the tool, then I not have screenshots. The log file had already risen to https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-1416 . And here too attached .
Thanks. No problems seen in logs though. Can't it be permission-related? Do yo have permissions to view and query all chemas? Screenshot of Tables & Shemas would be helpful to have for the investigation.
Hello, But as taking screenshots of the tables if precisely , not to me it shows .
Regarding permits , connect me as root and it has all the permissions on the schema and tables.
The same configuration works for me with the other IDE for MySQL i have installed .
Can you please clarify what do you mean? Does it work from another machine?
I can't take screenshots of tables, because the tool don't show me the tables or another object of my DB.
And not, not work from another machine.
Work on the same machine but with other tools, like MySQL Workbench and SequelPro.
I am also experiencing this behavior, but with a PostreSQL database (also on Mac OS X). As far as I can tell, my problem is identical to the OP's, so I don't think the issue is related to a specific driver. I've been using 0xDBE with this particular database (and one other) for weeks.
The last thing I did before all of the schema disappeared was to run an `ALTER TABLE` query to add a column. I failed to set a default value, but did not have ALLOW NULL checked, so when I clicked OK, I received an error, and that's when the schema disappeared.
All of the troubleshooting steps already provided in this thread yielded the same results as the OP, with no change. I can perform a `SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public' ORDER BY table_schema,table_name;` query and the results correctly show the tables.
I have restarted PostgreSQL, and I have performed an "Invalidate Caches / Restart..." action. Again, no effect. The other database I've been managing through 0xDBE, on the same localhost PostgreSQL server, is fine. RubyMine can also access both databases as normal.
Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 14.56.13.png
Hmm... as a last resort, I removed the connection from 0xDBE and re-created it, and everything is back to normal. However, now I'm gunshy that any SQL error will cause this behavior again.
Same problem. Database connection is correct, I can execute any query I want, but when I connect to database - 0xDBE(142.3925.2) doesn’t display database scheme and also I have errors in console:
Hello Kirow,
Could you please post your output from Test Connection for the Data Source and full text of the error which appears in console? You can provide it in the YouTrack issue https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-1480 . Thanks.