Can't run a ScalaTest FlatSpec

Today I ancountered this problem when trying to run a test suite directly in the IDE. This happens when pressing right mouse button on the Spec class to get into the context menu.

14:04:01 RuntimeException
         update failed for AnAction with ID=RunClass: Failed to load class for test suite org.scalatest.FlatSpec
         java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.scalatest.FlatSpec

The option to run the test is not in the context menu any more. It happens on all ScalaTest suites in the project. JUnit test suites are ok.

My project compiles fine under both IDEA and SBT, and SBT can run all the tests without any problems.

Scala plugin 1.9.140


Thank you for the report.

I've taken a look into the code and have detected the cause of the issue.

Please roll back to an earlier version of plugin for now. I will fix this today, so the next nightly and eap builds of plugin will be fine.


Thanks. Just updated and it works! :)



am facing same issue. am using IntelliJ IDE version - 2019.3

Windows OS

Scala version - 2.11.8

plz find more details here

kindly help.



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