Syntax highlighting in scalatest not working anymore: It has comment color i.e. all grey.
I recently updated to UI-141.1532, Now all my syntax highlighting for scalatest is not working anymore. More specificaly the all scala coloring is disabled in scalatest files.
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Screen Shot 2015-08-31 at 10.57.45 AM.png
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I found the problem. It has to do with the syntax hilighting i had set up.
In particular i added: "Argument to by-name Parameters" and selected "include block expressions"
As in scala test, it is all about the block expression to by name parameters it was all changed in grey. The other option works perfect: Include Literals.
I would urge to fix that bug: "include block expressions" in scalatest cause issue.
This is wrong setting as block shouldn't be grey not only in Scalatest. Highlighting should be a bit different. This is known problem, but I don't have proper solution for that yet.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
In 2020 problem can be worked-around by:
uncheck: "Highlight arguments to by-name parameters"
uncheck: "Include block expressions"
uncheck: "Include literals"
in Settings/Language&Frameworks/Scala
Thanks Hartmut - would love it if an exception could be made for scalatest (similar to how scalatest keywords can be highlighted), since the by-name parameter highlighting can be quite useful.