Anyone find the scala tooltips incredibly finicky and frustrating?
Whenever I mouse over an error-highlighted line in a .scala file the tooltip appears and disappears super quickly. Not just on my machine - on those of my coworkers as well. It's incredibly annoying. Anyone else have the same issue?
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Aha. Figured it out. It's a bad interaction between "Show type information on hover" and the error tooltip. Turns out that you can only have one tooltip visible for a highlighted line?
Yes, this drives me absolutely bonkers. Is there a way to let the error annotations take precedence or something?
Sorry for the delay in replying to this!
I've actually submitted a bug, and I *think* someone's taking a look at it.
It's tooltip limitation for now.
You can use one of the following workarounds:
1. You "Type info action" by keyboard, so it will be ok to disable mouse hover action.
2. You can see an error tooltip in status line of IntelliJ IDEA (bottom of IDE)
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
Thanks for looking into this but I don't understand "You "Type info action" by keyboard"
It's type, should be "Use" instead of "You".
Please read for more information.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.