Debugging Griffon application
How is it possible to debug Griffon application in the last Maia build (10666)? I setup my Griffon application as it described in this post
But when I add breakpoint and run debug the application isn't suspend at breakpoint.
Thanks in advance.
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This is bug, it will be fixed in the next EAP. Thank you for your feedback!
Is there a workaround for this ?. Just wondering as I'm currently evaluating IntelliJ (the EAP release) and in particular it's support for Griffon, Groovy and Grails. Being able to debug during the evaluation would be pretty handy but not a show stopper.
How close is the next EAP release, I have about 3 weeks remaining on the evaluation but I'm pretty impressed so far and I'll most likely purchase IntelliJ regardless. Just want to make sure the Griffon debugging support doesn't get pushed out too far.
The next EAP will be probably today or tomorrow
Have just downloaded the latest EAP 10762 and the first thing I tried was some Griffon / Groovy debugging. Very nice to see this working, how I have missed it.
I'm off to read the detailed changelog now to see what other goodies have been added / fixed.
Hi. Thank you for fixing this bug in last EAP.
Another Issue, I think. When I run the griffon application and then stop it through IDEA I expecting that it will close but it still in process list so I need to kill it manualy. Maybe it is possible to automaticly kill the process when I press Stop(Ctrl+F2).
What do you think about?
WBR, Artem.
Yes, that's the same problem you weren't able to debug Griffon earlier:
it launches another process inside which is the target to debug. IDEA
can only kill the outer process, and there's no Java API to kill process
tree yet.
Hm.. However when I stop the debugging, the process finish successfully.
And another problem. IDEA don't properly evaluate variables.
For example if I define variable foo in class and try to evaluate it in closure it says somthing like:
Groovy: = java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Invalid method
Java: = No such instance field: 'foo'
And I don't understand why we need two ways for evaluating variables (Groovy and Java combobox)?
Because when we are debugging, Griffon helps us in identifying the inner
process, we debug that inner process and stop it. Outer process stops
automatically when the inner stops. But when running, we stop the outer
process and inner doesn't stop. Maybe the Griffon guys could do
something to make inner process stop in this case? works for me. Could you provide a code sample?
Just in case Groovy evaluation fails. Though Java fails as well here.
Probably you're right and we'll remove the combo.