MySQL JDBC Driver Version
How is 0xDBE discovering the JDBC drivers?
I just used the automatic download of the MySQL JDBC driver, and it downloaded 5.1.29. I went and manually downloaded the latest (5.1.31) and used that jar, instead.
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We manually update driver versions on our site, so next time user press Download he gets currently uploaded version.
Maybe, you have an idea how to automatically discover new driver versions for various databases? To my understanding, it may be not very easy or reliable.
I will work on a systematic way to discover and alert for new JDBC drivers.
Thank you! (Even if this was an irony about our laziness.)
It wasn't a jab. Parsing / Traversing DOM sucks.
I spent a few minutes on it today and got mysql, postgres, derby, h2, and hsqldb set up.
When this is done, who/how should I send this over?
Thanks a lot.
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