sbt-imported project: scalacOptions not updated?


I have more problems with the sbt-imported / auto-import projects.

I had, tentatively added the following flags to my build.sbt: -Xlint and -Xfatal-warnings. Now these produce a couple of stupid problems, for example I have a case where I have to have classes inside a package objects which for some unknown or illogic reason ( is disallowed. So I commented out these two flags again:

scalacOptions in ThisBuild ++= {
  // "-Xlint" -- produces problems with implicit objects and traits in package object
  // "-Xfatal-warnings" -- breaks for cross-scala-build and deprecations
  val xs
= Seq("-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-feature", "-encoding", "utf8", "-Xfuture")
  if (loggingEnabled || isSnapshot.value) xs else xs ++ Seq("-Xelide-below", "INFO")

But IntelliJ has those flags cached somewhere. I can't built my project any longer because I get the errors from the lint/fatal-warnings still. I tried refreshing the project, I closed and re-opened it. No luck.

So I think there is a bug with the plugin not synchronizing scalac flags properly. Once more I have to delete and recreate the .idea folder it seems :-(

Permanently deleted user

Hi! Thanks for the report. This is known problem which, unfortunately, affects javac options too. There is related issue on Youtrack, you can upvote and watch its progress.

Permanently deleted user

I think the right one is this issue.


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