Cardea completely useless, any plans to make it actually work?

So far, I have been unable to get even a simple test to run with Cardea
and no answer to my questions/requests for help. This is really, really
unfortunate since all of the Scala plugin development has switched to
Cardea only.

Just tried the latest versions and still nothing compiles or runs. I
assume that there's some kind of major refactoring or the like in
progress, but could we get some kind of idea for how long this is going
to take?

Thank you,



no proboem here with cardea & nightly plugin build + scala 2.10


That's all well and good, congratulations.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me, and I don't exactly have a
particularly odd work flow.

And yes, I'm using the same configuration.

On 10/19/13 1:21 AM, HamsterofDeath wrote:

no proboem here with cardea & nightly plugin build + scala 2.10


can you zip & send me a non working project so we can check if the configuration of the ide is broken, or there is a problem in the project configuration?


While I work on finding a (manageable sized) project that reproduces my
problem, perhaps the error I'm getting might mean something?

I'm getting one error for every class. Something like this:

EFLConst is already defined as object EFLConst
object EFLConst {

On 10/19/13 2:06 AM, HamsterofDeath wrote:

can you zip a non working project so we can check if the configuration of the ide is broken, or there is a problem in the project configuration?


Original message URL:



i got this error a few times in the past. usually it says: you are compiling me twice! (at least i suspect that)


you can upload your project to dropbox or something


How could it be compiling something twice?

On 10/21/13 10:32 PM, HamsterofDeath wrote:

i got this error a few times in the past. usually it says: you are compiling me twice!


Original message URL:



Hi, Donald,

We are planning to completely rework compiler subsystem in Cardea (again?!..:)). As for time I hope for IDEA 13 release version.
So my suggestion is to wait for something what will work for you much better and to use the latest plugin version, which is usable for you, Or you can use any buildsystem, which is not IntelliJ IDEA.
I'm really sorry for inconveniences, but this is what we have right now (sure it's shame, but we will definetely fix it).

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


while you're at it, i cannot compile kotlin classes if there is a scala facet active in the same module/project (not sure which it is)
are you fighting it out internally? :D


I added an issue about Kotlin to check. But it's out of our current priority:

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


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