What is the schedule for moving to IDEA 11?

Please tell us ahead of time how the migratition is planned (like: development switches to 11 on X, 10.5 will receive bugfixes until Y).

And also once you switch over, announce it in the forum or on the blog; no silent transition like the last times. Many people are using the nightly builds and they should know when they need to switch to 11.

Thank you.


I'm planning to create new branch for IDEA 10.5 development next week. Trunk will be for IDEA 11.
I'll do nighlty builds for both versions.
And before IDEA 11 release (not EAP/Beta) I think differences will be very small (except few things I'm planning to do in IDEA sources).
After that 10.5 plugin version will be only for major fixes, so it will be great to migrate to IDEA 11 official release.

As for announcments, we have blog (http://blog.jetbrains.com/scala/). Announcment for every major thing will be here (and I can't promise about forum).

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


Hi Alexander,

Unless I experience blockers, I expect to be on IDEA 11 EAP builds from today until release.
So, +1 for having an IDEA 11 compatible plugin out there.

Speaking of blockers, I do have to highlight the following open YouTrack issues:
http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/SCL-3570: all our Scala/JPA projects have entire packages being red
http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/SCL-3577: we use JUnit @timeout annotation attributes a lot: good code red


P.S. It would be interesting to know which changes you're considering making in IDEA trunk


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