IDEA stopped recognizing entry points in my scala objects

For several versions IDEA doesn't recognize objects containing a main method as executable. All my old run configs are marked invalid and I can't right-click on objects to execute them anymore. Do other people have this problem, too or did I misconfigure my installation?

Version are IDEA 107.509 and Scala 1338.


No problems here - I'm using the same IDEA and plugin versions.
Did you install any non-Jetbrains plugins recently?



I think only the SBT plugin is not from the normal install. Disabling it does not help.

Specs tests are recognized and can also be run with the green triangle symbol.



What platform are you on? I remember a number of Mac users reporting the same issue that you're describing.


p.s. Did you try an "Invalidate Caches & Restart"?


Yes, I tried to invalidate and restart. I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 x64. And I've also experiencing it on my laptop (though it's also running Ubuntu but a different version).


Anything of interest in the idea logfile?



I couldn't find anything there. No exceptions or such.

I've also created a fresh project and it still doesn't work. I even tried removing the configuration directory from Idea and it still doesn't detect the entry points.


Is it true, that you can run you configurations? (I mean you see warning, there is no "run" item in popup menu, but you can run it)

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


Yes, I can run them and they work.

Upon start, when opening the drop-down menu the first time, all configs are not marked invalid (red cross) and then it takes a second and they begin to receive the crosses.

IDEA seems to consistently not recognize the main methods in other dialogs, too like when selecting a main class for an executable jar.

But the specs test classes can be run with right click and also the test run configs don't get the red cross.

Anything I can try to identify the cause of the error?


I've found the cause of my problem. Inside the SDK definition, the classpath was completely empty. I don't know how this happened. After removing the SDK and adding it again, the classpath was filled with the jars from the JRE.

The weird thing is that I was still able to run my program even without a correctly configured SDK.


Then it can explain why it doesn't recognize main method (plugin requires static check for Array[String] argument, it's impossible without classpath),
Thank you for explanation.
For the SDK classpath, it's possibly IDEA related bug (maybe OS specific?).

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


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