Problem compiling with 2.9.0: (No such file or directory)
Hi there,
after I've managed to compile my project using 2.9.0.RC4 (fixing some presumed errors that went undetected in 2.8.1), I'm confronted with the following problem:
Idea outputs over 800 errors of the form:
'SignatureBuilder$$anonfun$3' to /home/<snip>/workspace/programming/scbayes/out/production/scbayes/edu/uulm/scbayes/mln/parsing/SignatureBuilder$$anonfun$3.class (No such file or directory)
I suppose one of those errors for each class file produced. Any help appreciated.
Using SBT to compile with ++2.9.0.RC4 works fine.
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I thought one can mark a question as answered somehow. But I can't find it...