Which version for Intellij 9.0.x ?

Probably a silly question: what version of the plugin is usuable for Intellij 9.0.3/4 ?

There's a config problem somewhere ? The plugin repository contains the 0.3.2093 version. And manually installing the latest didn't work either: Plugin is incompatible with current Intellij IDEA installation.

Temporarily stick to the 0.3 version ? Or is there a way to install the 0.4 version ?


It's impossible to install 0.4 version on 9.0.x. You should use the latest 0.3 version (you can install it through plugin manager). For using 0.4 versions please install IDEA X EAP.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


Okay then. Is there a big difference between the 0.3 and 0.4 version ?


Yes. Version 0.3 is from august. So difference is about two months. Problem is that IDEA X EAP is less stable then IDEA 9.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhlayuzin.


How comes? 9.0.4 is newer than the latest EAP, as the latest EAP is a 9.0.4 release candidate!

Finally I got it: It does not work with IDEA 9, no matter if EAP or not. You need IDEA 10.


Why would it be limited to IDEA 10 only ? What's so special with this release it can't work with 9 ?


Not that it's impossible to develop a plugin for IDEA 9, but while some parts of IDEA X API become incompatible with API of IDEA 9, we have to choose a version to "link" our code with. Because Scala plugin team resources are limited we're avoiding "running after two hares".


That's understandable ... but it means all those 9.x people out there can't benefit from the latest unless they buy another IDEA license ?

Don't get me wrong, Idea is worth every penny. But I doubt it's worth paying another license just for the last release of the Scala plugin. Or is it ?


Scala plugin works perfectly with IDEA Community Edition, so if you need "just the last release of the Scala plugin", you can always use it for free.

Moreover, Scala plugin sources is open and everyone is welcome to contribute code that extends backward compatibility.

Maarten Hazewinkel

Speaking about the open nature of the Scala plugin, there is a Scala project listed on teamcity.jetbrains.net.
However, that does not appear to correspond to the current Scala plugin, either in checkins or in artifacts.

It might be nice if the current Scala plugin was listed there, and we could see the status of unit tests, etc.


It's possible. Problem is that builds has few internal things. If we remove it, we will be able to do it. I'll think about it.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


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