cannot call java-method from scala class
I am using both the latest version of idea and the scala-plugin.
I have a scala class which extends a java class.
The compiler complains about not finding a method in the java-class which definitely exists.
Please see the attached screenshot.
As you can see there are no complaints about the Controller class itself but about the Controller's renderBinary-method both in the editor
and compiler output.
So I am wondering why do both the editor-plugin and the compiler find the parent-class but not it's methods?
Any hints are greatly appreciated
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If the method is not public chances are it was fixed yesterday:)
The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it :-)
Or there's a link to idea X version from that page. The sky is blue, you see?:)
To explain your question is better to see Controller source code.
I can suggest you to check that renderBinary has protected or public access.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.