Scala Plugin internal error: no test class was found ??
I'm getting the below errors when running Spec tests on package. This message is only displayed for the "Test Results" node in the runner tree so I have no idea what is the cause. Is there any way to track down what might be causing this? I'm assuming I have some tests that should be running but are not.
Testing started at 4:19 PM ...
Scala Plugin internal error: no test class was found
Scala Plugin internal error: no test class was found
Scala Plugin internal error: no test class was found
Scala Plugin internal error: no test class was found
Scala Plugin internal error: no test class was found
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i'm also experiencing this. any resolution?
I pesonally have switched to running my tests with the junit runner. Mainly because I like to ability to run and rerun (and debug) single tests via the test runner tree. I also like the ability to navigate directly to a (failed) tests from the test runner tree. Neither of these are (yet) supported when running via spec runner. This is a shame though, because the specs structure for tests is way way nicer and much more powerful than junit tests.
I do however still use the specs matchers, eg:
class ScheduleRulesSpec extends SpecsMatchers with ScalaCheckMatchers with Mockito {
@Test def some_test {
foo must containMatchOnlyOnce (bar)