File creation in my plug-in (undo/redo)
I created a plug-in that create specific file to current project.
I use class and .createNewFile(); function...
It works OK but undo button is still disabled.
In intellij, File > New > (any type of file..) process is done, undo button enabled, and when i clicked that button, intelliJ asked to me,
"Are you sure to cancel create file?" and if i select "yes", it delete the new file....
Is there any way to create a new file ? I want to undo-able creation process.
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You should use VFS (or better PSI) to create files, either VirtualFile.createChildData(this, name) or PsiDirectory.add(file) where file = PsiFileFactory.getInstance(project).createFileFromText(). You should also wrap the entire creation operation into a command and write action, by using WriteCommandAction.performWriteCommandAction(project, ...)
Dear Peter Gromov,
Thank you for your reply! I successfully create a file with your guide, but after creating, undo button is still disabled.
Creating a file should be add to the stack(?), but i cannot know how to do it....
Can you explain more about it?
i really sorry, but it shows undo button
But, if i click undo button, it deleted the file. (Why intelliJ does NOT show question? "Are you sure......" )
Is it because the new file have no contents in it?
I see. Then, instead of runWriteCommandAction, you'd need to create an anonymous WriteCommandAction instance and execute() it, plus override getUndoConfirmationPolicy method. By default it's DO_NOT_REQUEST_CONFIRMATION, you'll need to return REQUEST_CONFIRMATION instead.
BTW baseDir.getFileSystem() is the same as LocalFileSystem.getInstance().
Dear Peter Gromov,
Thank you for your help! I will try it!