Unable to specify device_name argument to rubymotion rake simulator task

Has anyone found a way to successfully add the 'device_name' argument to a simulator launch for a rubymotion app in rubymine?  I'd like to have a launch that, for example, starts the simulator for 'iPhone 6 Plus'.  I can do this from the terminal by using:

rake simulator device_name='iPhone 6 Plus'

However, if I add an argument to a simulator launch it appears that rubymine is trying to process the argument in a way that results in it being malformed when the task is run.  For example, if I just enter:

device_name='iPhone 6 Plus'

as an argument.  I can see by clicking on the button to the right of the input field that it appears the argument is being broken at the spaces.  I've tried single quotes, double-quotes, and backslashes to avoid issues with the space but they either seem to be ignored or result in an error on launch.

1 comment

Please open Simulator's Run/Debug configuration within RubyMine and add DEVICE_TARGET="iPhone 6 Plus" into Environment Variable.


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