Help/Doc Window Not Visible

I think I might have had this issue before but couldn't find anything about it in the forum.

I'm running RM 6.3 on Ubuntu 13.10 with 3 monitors. When I fire up the Help/Doc I can't see it. When I click on the RM icon on my desktop the IDE disappears (as it should). Then when I click it again it reappears (as it should), along with the Help/Doc window - which appears on my 3rd screen. (Which is my laptop's screen. I have 2 larger monitors hooked up to the laptop and those are the ones I primarily work in.)

Anyway, I can now see the IDE on one screen and the Help/Doc in another. But whenever I click on either one of them the Help/Doc window "slides off" my 3rd (i.e. laptop) screen.

This is really annoying because I can see the Help/Doc window (after jumping through a few hoops) but can't access the documentation.

Can someone help me with this issue?


Permanently deleted user


it looks like a bug for me, could you please file a ticket about this with specifying your OS version, window manager, jdk version you are using.

Regards, Oleg.


Hi Oleg,

I just filed a Bug Report. And I was right when I said this sounded familiar: I posted this similar bug awhile back:
This is similar to a bug I reported awhile ago:

I included this information in the Bug Report.


Permanently deleted user

Thank you for updating the ticket.  Unfortunately I do not know when we will be able to fix it since it looks like a java bug for me :(

Regards, Oleg.


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