RubyMine 6.0.3 debugger is not usable. Any ideas?
I posted this to another similar post but didn't get a response from JetBrains.
I'm having the same problem. Just upgraded from 5.4.2 to 6.0.3. Formerly, debugging the exact same file (a plain old ruby file, no rails), was instantanious. Now, it takes 20 seconds to 3 minutes, PER LINE of code! It is unusable. I have been using puts statements to debug because the debuger is literally unusable now. I thought there might have been a conflict with the old project file, so I created a brand new project. Same effect.
Please help. The debugger is the main reason I purchased RubyMine and now I cannot use it.
BTW, the editor is much faster in 6.0.3 and the code completion works now for the first time.
I also updated ruby-debug-ide as part of the install. And I just ran gem install ruby-debug-ide to make sure it was up-to-date. No effect. Debugging is still unusable.
Using ruby ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20) [i386-mingw32] on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Machine is fast. And, as mentioned above, older versions of RubyMine debugged with quick reponse times, for the same source code files that now are absurdly slow.
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What version of ruby-debug-ide are you using?
Could you also run debugger in verbose mode (Settings|Debuger|Ruby) and provide its log and content of RM's log directory (Help|Show Log in ...)
Thanks in advance, Oleg.
ruby-debug-ide (0.4.22, 0.4.17.beta17, 0.4.17.beta14)
I'll work on getting the log to you next.
I enabled logging. Closed and reopend a fresh RubyMine session. I then set a few breakpoints, ran with deubbing. Then I single stepped through about 5 lines as fast as I could (which took about 20 seconds each I estimate). Then I terminated the debugging session. The log is reproduced below:
2014-02-12 17:25:17,264 [ 33415] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/intentionSettings.xml file is null
2014-02-12 17:25:19,893 [ 36044] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/dataSources.xml file is null
2014-02-12 17:25:19,898 [ 36049] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/dataSources.xml file is null
2014-02-12 17:25:19,901 [ 36052] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/sqlDataSources.xml file is null
2014-02-12 17:26:07,376 [ 83527] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 54829 --dispatcher-port 54830 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/Exchange2/PDI-Checklist-v001.rb" -i Essentia\PDI_Request_2011_Essentia.xml -d Test -a Test], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\Exchange2]
2014-02-12 17:26:07,571 [ 83722] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/consoleFolding.xml file is null
I performed the same steps a second time, and these are the resulting log entries:
2014-02-12 17:35:09,763 [ 625914] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 55158 --dispatcher-port 55159 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/Exchange2/PDI-Checklist-v001.rb" -i Essentia\PDI_Request_2011_Essentia.xml -d Test -a Test], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\Exchange2]
2014-02-12 17:39:43,687 [ 899838] WARN - debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy - Unexpected fail. Debuggee: RubyDebugTarget@8771952[baseDir: null, debuggedFile: C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\Exchange2\PDI-Checklist-v001.rb, port: 55158], output:
2014-02-12 17:39:45,687 [ 901838] WARN - debugger.impl.RubyDebugProcess - Couldn't stop during timeout
This is on a fast machine with 8 CPU threads.
Hi Eric,
I also need a ruby debugger's log (output it prints in debug console) and it would be a little bit more usable to not inline it in a post but use gist or something similar to share it.
Thanks in advance, Oleg.
I have captured the debugger console output. But it contains some items that I don't want to publically publish. Can I email the information to you?
Sure (I hope my email is visible in my profile ;))
Not that I see. Can you email me and i'll respond? My email address in my customer profile is correct. I'm a registered customer. Bought RM directly from you since version 3, I think.
P.S. I've done more trouble shooting and this seems specific to my project. I created a little "hello world" project and it didn't have this problem. The debugger was fast.
I'm willing to share my project source code with you provided you don't share outside of jetbrains.
I've taken the time to create a pretty minimal reproduceable case. The below code comes for a book I'm reading called Wicked Cool Ruby Scripts. I augmented the script.
This runs slow. Put a breakpoint on lines 45 (@percentage...) and 47 (puts "----...). Then run in debug mode and then single step. The debugger is very slow on some of the next few lines. But not all of them.
# requires a file of the format
# question<space><space><space><space><space>answer
class FlashCard
def flashEm
@correct = 0
@wrong = 0
@total = 0
unless ARGV[0]
puts "\ n\ nUsage is flashCards.rb < file >\ n\ n"
@flash = []
@card = :question, :answer)
if(!(File.exists? ARGV[0]))
puts "usage main.rb qafile"
puts "error file #{ARGV[0]} does not exist"
end[0], "rb").each do |line|
if line =~/(.*)\s{3,10}(.*)/
@flash << $1.strip, $2.strip)
@flash.replace(@flash.sort_by { rand })
until @flash.empty?
@drill = @flash.pop
print "#{ @drill.question}? "
@guess = $stdin.gets.chomp
@total += 1
if @guess.downcase == @drill.answer.downcase
puts "\n\nCorrect -- The answer is: #{ @drill.answer}\n\n\n"
@correct += 1
else puts "\n\nWRONG -- The answer is: #{ @drill.answer}\n\n\n"
@wrong += 1
@percentage = ((@total - @wrong) / @total) * 100
puts "-----------------------------"
puts "Correct: #{@correct}"
puts "Wrong: #{@wrong}"
puts "Score: #{@percentage}"
puts "-----------------------------"
f =
below is the input file:
1x3 3
2x3 6
3x3 9
4x3 12
5x3 15
Below is the ruby debugger output
C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 59524 --dispatcher-port 59525 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"
Fast Debugger (ruby-debug-ide 0.4.22, ruby-debug-base19x 0.11.30.pre15) listens on
Connected from
20212: Starting control thread
20212: Processing in control: b C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb:45
20212: <breakpointAdded no="1" location="C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb:45"/>
20212: Processing in control: b C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb:47
20212: <breakpointAdded no="2" location="C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb:47"/>
20212: Processing in control: start
20212: Starting: running program script
WRONG -- The answer is: 15
2x3? 6
Correct -- The answer is: 6
3x3? 9
Correct -- The answer is: 9
4x3? 12
Correct -- The answer is: 12
1x3? 3
20212: <breakpoint file="C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" line="45" threadId="1"/>
20212: Stopping Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8> (20212)
20212: Threads equal: true
Correct -- The answer is: 3
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: w
20212: <frames>
20212: <frame no='1' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='45' current='true' />
20212: <frame no='2' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='56' />
20212: </frames>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v l
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="self" kind="local" value="#<FlashCard:0x2877540>" type="FlashCard" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x143baa0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @correct
20212: Evaluating @correct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="4" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x9"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @wrong
20212: Evaluating @wrong with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="1" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x3"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @total
20212: Evaluating @total with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0xb"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @flash
20212: Evaluating @flash with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Empty Array" type="Array" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bc38"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @card
20212: Evaluating @card with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<Class:0x28779c0>" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bce0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @drill
20212: Evaluating @drill with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<struct question="1x3", answer="3">" type="#<Class:0x28779c0>" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x339c9c"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @guess
20212: Evaluating @guess with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="3" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32dbf4"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @percentage
20212: Evaluating @percentage with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect ARGV
20212: Evaluating ARGV with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x3444fc"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32dbf4
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c280"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="IBM437" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x341d54"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32c280
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="[0]" kind="instance" value="51" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x67"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect Struct
20212: Evaluating Struct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Struct" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x345198"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect File
20212: Evaluating File with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="File" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344478"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $1
20212: Evaluating $1 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5x3 " type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e860"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $2
20212: Evaluating $2 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="15" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c7fc"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $stdin
20212: Evaluating $stdin with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<IO:0x688c68>" type="IO" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344634"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32e860
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (5 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c6e8"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32c7fc
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (2 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e398"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: next
20212: Resumed Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8>
20212: <suspended file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='47' threadId='1' frames='2'/>
20212: Stopping Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8> (20212)
20212: Threads equal: true
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: w
20212: <frames>
20212: <frame no='1' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='47' current='true' />
20212: <frame no='2' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='56' />
20212: </frames>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v l
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="self" kind="local" value="#<FlashCard:0x2877540>" type="FlashCard" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x143baa0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @correct
20212: Evaluating @correct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="4" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x9"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @wrong
20212: Evaluating @wrong with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="1" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x3"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @total
20212: Evaluating @total with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0xb"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @flash
20212: Evaluating @flash with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Empty Array" type="Array" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bc38"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @card
20212: Evaluating @card with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<Class:0x28779c0>" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bce0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @drill
20212: Evaluating @drill with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<struct question="1x3", answer="3">" type="#<Class:0x28779c0>" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x339c9c"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @guess
20212: Evaluating @guess with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="3" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32dbf4"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32dbf4
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e2d8"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="IBM437" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x341d54"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32e2d8
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="[0]" kind="instance" value="51" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x67"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @percentage
20212: Evaluating @percentage with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="0" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x1"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect ARGV
20212: Evaluating ARGV with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x3444fc"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect Struct
20212: Evaluating Struct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Struct" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x345198"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect File
20212: Evaluating File with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="File" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344478"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $1
20212: Evaluating $1 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5x3 " type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32cbe0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $2
20212: Evaluating $2 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="15" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e7c4"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32cbe0
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (5 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32cad8"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $stdin
20212: Evaluating $stdin with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<IO:0x688c68>" type="IO" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344634"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32e7c4
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (2 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c52c"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: next
20212: Resumed Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8>
20212: <suspended file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='48' threadId='1' frames='2'/>
20212: Stopping Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8> (20212)
20212: Threads equal: true
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: w
20212: <frames>
20212: <frame no='1' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='48' current='true' />
20212: <frame no='2' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='56' />
20212: </frames>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v l
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="self" kind="local" value="#<FlashCard:0x2877540>" type="FlashCard" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x143baa0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @correct
20212: Evaluating @correct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="4" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x9"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @wrong
20212: Evaluating @wrong with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="1" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x3"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @total
20212: Evaluating @total with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0xb"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @flash
20212: Evaluating @flash with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Empty Array" type="Array" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bc38"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @card
20212: Evaluating @card with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<Class:0x28779c0>" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bce0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @drill
20212: Evaluating @drill with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<struct question="1x3", answer="3">" type="#<Class:0x28779c0>" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x339c9c"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @guess
20212: Evaluating @guess with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="3" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32dbf4"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32dbf4
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e2a8"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="IBM437" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x341d54"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32e2a8
20212: <message>Unknown object id : +0x32e2a8</message>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @percentage
20212: Evaluating @percentage with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="0" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x1"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect ARGV
20212: Evaluating ARGV with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x3444fc"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect Struct
20212: Evaluating Struct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Struct" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x345198"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect File
20212: Evaluating File with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="File" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344478"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $1
20212: Evaluating $1 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5x3 " type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e050"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $2
20212: Evaluating $2 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="15" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c07c"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32e050
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (5 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e140"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $stdin
20212: Evaluating $stdin with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<IO:0x688c68>" type="IO" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344634"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32c07c
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (2 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c640"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
Correct: 4
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: next
20212: Resumed Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8>
20212: <suspended file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='49' threadId='1' frames='2'/>
20212: Stopping Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8> (20212)
20212: Threads equal: true
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: w
20212: <frames>
20212: <frame no='1' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='49' current='true' />
20212: <frame no='2' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='56' />
20212: </frames>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v l
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="self" kind="local" value="#<FlashCard:0x2877540>" type="FlashCard" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x143baa0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @correct
20212: Evaluating @correct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="4" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x9"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @wrong
20212: Evaluating @wrong with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="1" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x3"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @total
20212: Evaluating @total with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0xb"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @flash
20212: Evaluating @flash with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Empty Array" type="Array" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bc38"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @card
20212: Evaluating @card with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<Class:0x28779c0>" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bce0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @drill
20212: Evaluating @drill with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<struct question="1x3", answer="3">" type="#<Class:0x28779c0>" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x339c9c"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @guess
20212: Evaluating @guess with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="3" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32dbf4"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32dbf4
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32cb20"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="IBM437" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x341d54"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32cb20
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="[0]" kind="instance" value="51" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x67"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @percentage
20212: Evaluating @percentage with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="0" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x1"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect ARGV
20212: Evaluating ARGV with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x3444fc"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect Struct
20212: Evaluating Struct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Struct" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x345198"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect File
20212: Evaluating File with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="File" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344478"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $1
20212: Evaluating $1 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5x3 " type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c988"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32c988
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (5 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e23c"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $2
20212: Evaluating $2 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="15" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c364"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $stdin
20212: Evaluating $stdin with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<IO:0x688c68>" type="IO" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344634"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32c364
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (2 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c1c0"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
Wrong: 1
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: next
20212: Resumed Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8>
20212: <suspended file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='50' threadId='1' frames='2'/>
20212: Stopping Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8> (20212)
20212: Threads equal: true
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: w
20212: <frames>
20212: <frame no='1' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='50' current='true' />
20212: <frame no='2' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='56' />
20212: </frames>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v l
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="self" kind="local" value="#<FlashCard:0x2877540>" type="FlashCard" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x143baa0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @correct
20212: Evaluating @correct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="4" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x9"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @wrong
20212: Evaluating @wrong with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="1" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x3"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @total
20212: Evaluating @total with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0xb"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @flash
20212: Evaluating @flash with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Empty Array" type="Array" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bc38"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @card
20212: Evaluating @card with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<Class:0x28779c0>" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bce0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @drill
20212: Evaluating @drill with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<struct question="1x3", answer="3">" type="#<Class:0x28779c0>" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x339c9c"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @guess
20212: Evaluating @guess with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="3" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32dbf4"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32dbf4
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e704"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="IBM437" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x341d54"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32e704
20212: <message>Unknown object id : +0x32e704</message>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @percentage
20212: Evaluating @percentage with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="0" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x1"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect ARGV
20212: Evaluating ARGV with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x3444fc"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect Struct
20212: Evaluating Struct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Struct" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x345198"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect File
20212: Evaluating File with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="File" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344478"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $1
20212: Evaluating $1 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5x3 " type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e1c4"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $2
20212: Evaluating $2 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="15" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c34c"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32e1c4
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (5 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e110"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $stdin
20212: Evaluating $stdin with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<IO:0x688c68>" type="IO" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344634"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32c34c
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (2 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e428"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: next
20212: Resumed Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8>
20212: <suspended file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='51' threadId='1' frames='2'/>
20212: Stopping Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8> (20212)
20212: Threads equal: true
Score: 0
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in control: th l
20212: <threads>
20212: <thread id="1" status="sleep" pid="20212" />
20212: </threads>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: w
20212: <frames>
20212: <frame no='1' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='51' current='true' />
20212: <frame no='2' file='C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb' line='56' />
20212: </frames>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v l
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="self" kind="local" value="#<FlashCard:0x2877540>" type="FlashCard" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x143baa0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @correct
20212: Evaluating @correct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="4" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x9"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @wrong
20212: Evaluating @wrong with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="1" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x3"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @total
20212: Evaluating @total with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0xb"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @flash
20212: Evaluating @flash with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Empty Array" type="Array" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bc38"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @card
20212: Evaluating @card with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<Class:0x28779c0>" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x143bce0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @drill
20212: Evaluating @drill with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<struct question="1x3", answer="3">" type="#<Class:0x28779c0>" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x339c9c"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @guess
20212: Evaluating @guess with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="3" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32dbf4"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32dbf4
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e0b0"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="IBM437" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x341d54"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32e0b0
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="[0]" kind="instance" value="51" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x67"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect @percentage
20212: Evaluating @percentage with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="0" type="Fixnum" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x1"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect ARGV
20212: Evaluating ARGV with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Array (1 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x3444fc"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect Struct
20212: Evaluating Struct with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="Struct" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x345198"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect File
20212: Evaluating File with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="File" type="Class" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344478"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $1
20212: Evaluating $1 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="5x3 " type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c9d0"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $2
20212: Evaluating $2 with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="15" type="String" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32e374"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32c9d0
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (5 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c820"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v inspect $stdin
20212: Evaluating $stdin with timeout after 10 sec
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="eval_result" kind="local" value="#<IO:0x688c68>" type="IO" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x344634"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: v i +0x32e374
20212: <variables>
20212: <variable name="bytes" kind="instance" value="Array (2 element(s))" type="Array" hasChildren="true" objectId="+0x32c640"/>
20212: <variable name="encoding" kind="instance" value="ASCII-8BIT" type="Encoding" hasChildren="false" objectId="+0x347778"/>
20212: </variables>
20212: Processing in context: th in 1
20212: Processing in context: frame 1
20212: Selected frame no 0
20212: Processing in context: next
20212: Resumed Thread #<Thread:0x6853c8>
Process finished with exit code 0
Below is the RubyMine log file output (I think; it's a little hard to read):
2014-02-12 17:25:17,264 [ 33415] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/intentionSettings.xml file is null
2014-02-12 17:25:19,893 [ 36044] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/dataSources.xml file is null
2014-02-12 17:25:19,898 [ 36049] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/dataSources.xml file is null
2014-02-12 17:25:19,901 [ 36052] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/sqlDataSources.xml file is null
2014-02-12 17:26:07,376 [ 83527] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 54829 --dispatcher-port 54830 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/Exchange2/PDI-Checklist-v001.rb" -i Essentia\PDI_Request_2011_Essentia.xml -d Test -a Test], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\Exchange2]
2014-02-12 17:26:07,571 [ 83722] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/consoleFolding.xml file is null
2014-02-12 17:30:53,593 [ 369744] INFO - ellij.concurrency.JobScheduler - 50 ms execution limit failed for: com.intellij.diagnostic.MessagePool$MessageGrouper@15b836b; elapsed time was 60ms
2014-02-12 17:35:09,763 [ 625914] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 55158 --dispatcher-port 55159 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/Exchange2/PDI-Checklist-v001.rb" -i Essentia\PDI_Request_2011_Essentia.xml -d Test -a Test], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\Exchange2]
2014-02-12 17:39:43,687 [ 899838] WARN - debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy - Unexpected fail. Debuggee: RubyDebugTarget@8771952[baseDir: null, debuggedFile: C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\Exchange2\PDI-Checklist-v001.rb, port: 55158], output:
2014-02-12 17:39:45,687 [ 901838] WARN - debugger.impl.RubyDebugProcess - Couldn't stop during timeout
2014-02-13 08:12:30,342 [53266493] INFO - ateSettings.impl.UpdateChecker -
2014-02-13 08:12:50,527 [53286678] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:16384, filtered:9428
2014-02-13 08:14:29,982 [53386133] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:32768, filtered:18815
2014-02-13 08:15:45,545 [53461696] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:49152, filtered:29729
2014-02-13 08:17:06,632 [53542783] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:65536, filtered:41575
2014-02-13 08:17:26,768 [53562919] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:81920, filtered:57545
2014-02-13 08:18:42,636 [53638787] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:98304, filtered:68717
2014-02-13 08:20:01,718 [53717869] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:114688, filtered:79810
2014-02-13 08:20:57,093 [53773244] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:131072, filtered:92993
2014-02-13 08:22:02,981 [53839132] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:147456, filtered:105264
2014-02-13 08:23:00,180 [53896331] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:163840, filtered:118048
2014-02-13 08:24:16,942 [53973093] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:180224, filtered:128868
2014-02-13 08:25:04,583 [54020734] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:196608, filtered:142217
2014-02-13 08:26:21,350 [54097501] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:212992, filtered:154170
2014-02-13 08:27:04,100 [54140251] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:229376, filtered:168153
2014-02-13 08:28:38,239 [54234390] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:245760, filtered:178147
2014-02-13 08:29:30,541 [54286692] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:262144, filtered:192640
2014-02-13 08:30:57,791 [54373942] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:278528, filtered:204007
2014-02-13 08:31:39,837 [54415988] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:294912, filtered:217916
2014-02-13 08:32:33,040 [54469191] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:311296, filtered:231840
2014-02-13 08:33:22,303 [54518454] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:327680, filtered:244495
2014-02-13 08:33:29,516 [54525667] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:344064, filtered:260525
2014-02-13 08:34:30,083 [54586234] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:360448, filtered:272296
2014-02-13 08:36:02,040 [54678191] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:376832, filtered:283612
2014-02-13 08:37:45,335 [54781486] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:393216, filtered:294589
2014-02-13 08:38:37,550 [54833701] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:409600, filtered:308371
2014-02-13 08:39:32,490 [54888641] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:425984, filtered:320416
2014-02-13 08:40:43,347 [54959498] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:442368, filtered:333367
2014-02-13 08:42:24,749 [55060900] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:458752, filtered:344588
2014-02-13 08:43:21,384 [55117535] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:475136, filtered:357896
2014-02-13 08:44:48,736 [55204887] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:491520, filtered:369687
2014-02-13 08:46:01,873 [55278024] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:507904, filtered:380980
2014-02-13 08:46:57,397 [55333548] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:524288, filtered:393662
2014-02-13 08:48:06,075 [55402226] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:540672, filtered:405560
2014-02-13 08:48:57,413 [55453564] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:557056, filtered:417477
2014-02-13 09:11:45,277 [56821428] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 61379 --dispatcher-port 61380 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/Exchange2/PDI-Checklist-v001.rb" -i Essentia\PDI_Request_2011_Essentia.xml -d Test -a Test], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\Exchange2]
2014-02-13 09:16:43,493 [57119644] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:573440, filtered:426939
2014-02-13 09:32:35,378 [58071529] INFO - plication.impl.ApplicationImpl - Received external Windows command line: current directory C:\Windows\system32, command line "C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\RubyMine 6.0.3\bin\rubymine.exe"
2014-02-13 09:32:35,381 [58071532] INFO - ellij.ide.CommandLineProcessor - -----
2014-02-13 09:47:03,183 [58939334] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/databaseColors.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:47:03,272 [58939423] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/jsLibraryMappings.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:47:03,461 [58939612] INFO - ellij.project.impl.ProjectImpl - 18 project components initialized in 9 ms
2014-02-13 09:47:03,461 [58939612] INFO - le.impl.ModuleManagerComponent - 0 module(s) loaded in 0 ms
2014-02-13 09:47:41,358 [58977509] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $WORKSPACE_FILE$ file is null
2014-02-13 09:47:41,359 [58977510] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/encodings.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:47:41,360 [58977511] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/modules.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:47:41,360 [58977511] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/vcs.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:47:41,366 [58977517] INFO - management.pik.PikSdkRefresher - Refreshing sdks
2014-02-13 09:47:41,366 [58977517] INFO - management.pik.PikSdkRefresher - rubies folder doesn't exist
2014-02-13 09:47:41,366 [58977517] INFO - gement.rbenv.RbenvSdkRefresher - Refreshing sdks
2014-02-13 09:47:41,366 [58977517] INFO - gement.rbenv.RbenvSdkRefresher - rbenv isn't supported by OS
2014-02-13 09:47:41,370 [58977521] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/deployment.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:47:41,373 [58977524] INFO - ellij.project.impl.ProjectImpl - 120 project components initialized in 18 ms
2014-02-13 09:47:41,373 [58977524] INFO - le.impl.ModuleManagerComponent - 0 module(s) loaded in 0 ms
2014-02-13 09:47:41,380 [58977531] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $MODULE_FILE$ file is null
2014-02-13 09:47:41,513 [58977664] INFO - .roots.impl.DirectoryIndexImpl - Directory index initialized in 13 ms, indexed 123 directories
2014-02-13 09:47:41,514 [58977665] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/sqldialects.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:47:41,515 [58977666] INFO - pl.PushedFilePropertiesUpdater - File properties pushed in 2 ms
2014-02-13 09:47:41,520 [58977671] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Indexable files iterated in 2 ms
2014-02-13 09:47:41,520 [58977671] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update started: 0 files to update
2014-02-13 09:47:41,521 [58977672] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update done in 0 ms
2014-02-13 09:47:41,571 [58977722] INFO - e.GemRequirementsChangeWatcher - Initial scan started
2014-02-13 09:47:41,571 [58977722] INFO - e.GemRequirementsChangeWatcher - Initial scan took: 0 ms
2014-02-13 09:47:41,720 [58977871] INFO - tor.impl.FileEditorManagerImpl - Project opening took 372 ms
2014-02-13 09:47:41,740 [58977891] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/fileColors.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:47:50,964 [58987115] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/codeStyleSettings.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:47:50,964 [58987115] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/projectCodeStyle.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:50:21,510 [59137661] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/emmet.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:50:28,713 [59144864] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/dataSources.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:50:28,713 [59144864] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/sqlDataSources.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:50:51,016 [59167167] INFO - openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl - Cache hits:4096, total requests:4438,file://C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/SendSMS/main.rb
2014-02-13 09:51:25,082 [59201233] INFO - openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl - Cache hits:8192, total requests:8887,file://C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/SendSMS/main.rb
2014-02-13 09:52:34,870 [59271021] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/databaseColors.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:52:34,879 [59271030] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/jsLibraryMappings.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:07,276 [59483427] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $WORKSPACE_FILE$ file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:07,277 [59483428] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/encodings.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:07,278 [59483429] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/modules.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:07,279 [59483430] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/vcs.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:07,286 [59483437] INFO - management.pik.PikSdkRefresher - Refreshing sdks
2014-02-13 09:56:07,286 [59483437] INFO - management.pik.PikSdkRefresher - rubies folder doesn't exist
2014-02-13 09:56:07,286 [59483437] INFO - gement.rbenv.RbenvSdkRefresher - Refreshing sdks
2014-02-13 09:56:07,286 [59483437] INFO - gement.rbenv.RbenvSdkRefresher - rbenv isn't supported by OS
2014-02-13 09:56:07,289 [59483440] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/deployment.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:07,292 [59483443] INFO - ellij.project.impl.ProjectImpl - 120 project components initialized in 19 ms
2014-02-13 09:56:07,292 [59483443] INFO - le.impl.ModuleManagerComponent - 0 module(s) loaded in 0 ms
2014-02-13 09:56:07,293 [59483444] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $MODULE_FILE$ file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:07,400 [59483551] INFO - .roots.impl.DirectoryIndexImpl - Directory index initialized in 3 ms, indexed 123 directories
2014-02-13 09:56:07,401 [59483552] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/sqldialects.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:07,401 [59483552] INFO - pl.PushedFilePropertiesUpdater - File properties pushed in 1 ms
2014-02-13 09:56:07,406 [59483557] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Indexable files iterated in 2 ms
2014-02-13 09:56:07,406 [59483557] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update started: 0 files to update
2014-02-13 09:56:07,406 [59483557] INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update done in 0 ms
2014-02-13 09:56:07,454 [59483605] INFO - e.GemRequirementsChangeWatcher - Initial scan started
2014-02-13 09:56:07,454 [59483605] INFO - e.GemRequirementsChangeWatcher - Initial scan took: 0 ms
2014-02-13 09:56:07,586 [59483737] INFO - tor.impl.FileEditorManagerImpl - Project opening took 315 ms
2014-02-13 09:56:07,606 [59483757] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/fileColors.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:13,196 [59489347] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/codeStyleSettings.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:13,196 [59489347] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/projectCodeStyle.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:22,223 [59498374] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/dataSources.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:56:22,224 [59498375] INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/sqlDataSources.xml file is null
2014-02-13 09:59:04,969 [59661120] INFO - openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl - Cache hits:4096, total requests:5241,file://C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb
2014-02-13 10:00:08,998 [59725149] INFO - openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl - Cache hits:8192, total requests:10367,file://C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb
2014-02-13 10:03:41,957 [59938108] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 63816 --dispatcher-port 63817 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" qafile.txt], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:04:25,232 [59981383] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 63832 --dispatcher-port 63833 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" qafile.txt], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:04:44,453 [60000604] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 63844 --dispatcher-port 63845 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" qafile.txt], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:05:32,713 [60048864] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" qafile.txt], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:06:16,679 [60092830] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 63885 --dispatcher-port 63886 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" qafile.txt], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:10:27,898 [60344049] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 63966 --dispatcher-port 63967 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards\qafile.txt], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:11:25,062 [60401213] INFO - openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl - Cache hits:12288, total requests:16044,file://C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb
2014-02-13 10:12:25,935 [60462086] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards\qafile.txt], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:12:56,897 [60493048] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 64031 --dispatcher-port 64032 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards\qafile.txt], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:14:11,397 [60567548] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 64100 --dispatcher-port 64101 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:14:33,178 [60589329] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:15:11,408 [60627559] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 64164 --dispatcher-port 64165 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:15:37,558 [60653709] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 64215 --dispatcher-port 64216 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:15:58,103 [60674254] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 64232 --dispatcher-port 64233 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 10:16:33,171 [60709322] WARN - debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy - Unexpected fail. Debuggee: RubyDebugTarget@204446[baseDir: null, debuggedFile: C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards\main.rb, port: 64232], output:
2014-02-13 10:16:35,171 [60711322] WARN - debugger.impl.RubyDebugProcess - Couldn't stop during timeout
2014-02-13 10:20:54,052 [60970203] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:589824, filtered:433799
2014-02-13 11:20:47,339 [64563490] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:606208, filtered:442885
2014-02-13 12:35:52,349 [69068500] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:622592, filtered:450933
2014-02-13 12:58:21,839 [70417990] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:638976, filtered:460369
2014-02-13 13:54:14,147 [73770298] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:655360, filtered:469764
2014-02-13 14:45:06,198 [76822349] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:671744, filtered:477635
2014-02-13 15:23:44,642 [79140793] INFO - openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl - Cache hits:16384, total requests:21767,file://C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb
2014-02-13 15:25:33,994 [79250145] INFO - openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl - Cache hits:20480, total requests:27177,file://C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb
2014-02-13 15:25:39,278 [79255429] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:26:16,178 [79292329] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:28:39,034 [79435185] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:31:33,469 [79609620] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:32:42,556 [79678707] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:33:53,137 [79749288] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 57034 --dispatcher-port 57035 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:45:22,198 [80438349] INFO - openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl - Cache hits:24576, total requests:33244,file://C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb
2014-02-13 15:46:41,623 [80517774] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:688128, filtered:485527
2014-02-13 15:47:12,960 [80549111] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 57407 --dispatcher-port 57408 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:48:01,644 [80597795] INFO - rg.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util - Stream Closed Stream Closed
at Method)
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.access$000(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util$
2014-02-13 15:48:02,152 [80598303] WARN - debugger.impl.RubyDebugProcess - Couldn't stop during timeout
2014-02-13 15:48:02,644 [80598795] WARN - debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy - Unexpected fail. Debuggee: RubyDebugTarget@1893004[baseDir: null, debuggedFile: C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards\main.rb, port: 57407], output:
Dumping and destroying process, when the debuggee process is running. You might try to increase the timeout. Killing...
2014-02-13 15:48:20,637 [80616788] INFO - rg.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util - Stream closed Stream closed
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.dumpAndDestroyProcess(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy.readInstanceVariables(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.model.RubyValue.getVariables(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.b(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.a(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.computePresentation(
at com.intellij.xdebugger.impl.ui.tree.nodes.XValueNodeImpl.<init>(
at com.intellij.xdebugger.impl.ui.tree.nodes.XValueContainerNode$
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.LaterInvocator$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.e(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue._dispatchEvent(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
2014-02-13 15:48:20,637 [80616788] INFO - rg.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util - Stream Closed Stream Closed
at Method)
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.dumpAndDestroyProcess(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy.readInstanceVariables(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.model.RubyValue.getVariables(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.b(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.a(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.computePresentation(
at com.intellij.xdebugger.impl.ui.tree.nodes.XValueNodeImpl.<init>(
at com.intellij.xdebugger.impl.ui.tree.nodes.XValueContainerNode$
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.LaterInvocator$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.e(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue._dispatchEvent(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
2014-02-13 15:48:20,638 [80616789] INFO - rg.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util - Stream closed Stream closed
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.dumpAndDestroyProcess(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy.readInstanceVariables(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.model.RubyValue.getVariables(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.b(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.a(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.computePresentation(
at com.intellij.xdebugger.impl.ui.tree.nodes.XValueNodeImpl.<init>(
at com.intellij.xdebugger.impl.ui.tree.nodes.XValueContainerNode$
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.LaterInvocator$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.e(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue._dispatchEvent(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
2014-02-13 15:48:20,638 [80616789] INFO - rg.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util - Stream Closed Stream Closed
at Method)
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.Util.dumpAndDestroyProcess(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy.a(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy.readInstanceVariables(
at org.rubyforge.debugcommons.model.RubyValue.getVariables(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.b(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.a(
at org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby.ruby.debugger.values.RubyStringValue.computePresentation(
at com.intellij.xdebugger.impl.ui.tree.nodes.XValueNodeImpl.<init>(
at com.intellij.xdebugger.impl.ui.tree.nodes.XValueContainerNode$
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.LaterInvocator$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.e(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue._dispatchEvent(
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
2014-02-13 15:48:35,949 [80632100] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 57453 --dispatcher-port 57454 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:48:48,347 [80644498] WARN - debugcommons.RubyDebuggerProxy - Unexpected fail. Debuggee: RubyDebugTarget@6551626[baseDir: null, debuggedFile: C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards\main.rb, port: 57453], output:
2014-02-13 15:48:50,347 [80646498] WARN - debugger.impl.RubyDebugProcess - Couldn't stop during timeout
2014-02-13 15:48:56,793 [80652944] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 57463 --dispatcher-port 57465 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:51:51,104 [80827255] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 57568 --dispatcher-port 57569 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:52:21,535 [80857686] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 57584 --dispatcher-port 57585 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:53:36,613 [80932764] INFO - openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl - Cache hits:28672, total requests:39345,file://C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb
2014-02-13 15:55:10,182 [81026333] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 57661 --dispatcher-port 57662 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:55:53,623 [81069774] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 57680 --dispatcher-port 57681 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:57:36,926 [81173077] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 57761 --dispatcher-port 57762 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:57:48,225 [81184376] INFO - openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl - Cache hits:32768, total requests:45266,file://C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb
2014-02-13 15:57:50,621 [81186772] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 57777 --dispatcher-port 57778 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 15:58:25,661 [81221812] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 57795 --dispatcher-port 57796 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
2014-02-13 16:47:54,555 [84190706] INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Change requests:704512, filtered:493669
2014-02-13 17:13:15,035 [85711186] INFO - - Executing [C:\Ruby193\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.22/bin/rdebug-ide --debug --disable-int-handler --port 59524 --dispatcher-port 59525 -- "C:/Users/Eric Heflin/Google Drive/RubymineProjects/FlashCards/main.rb" "C:\\Users\\Eric Heflin\\Google Drive\\RubymineProjects\\FlashCards\\qafile.txt"], working dir =[C:\Users\Eric Heflin\Google Drive\RubymineProjects\FlashCards]
Please assist soon. I'm working a major project and the lack of a working debugger is slowing me down. I'm about at the point where I'll have no choice but uninstall RubyMine 6.0.3 and revert to a prior version of RubyMine or something else.
Update to this: I added some variables and now the hello world program is exhibiting the slow debugger behaviour.
The original version that worked fast:
# requires a file of the format
# question<space><space><space><space><space>answer
unless ARGV[0]
puts "\ n\ nUsage is flashCards.rb < file >\ n\ n"
flash = []
card = :question, :answer)
if(!(File.exists? ARGV[0]))
puts "usage main.rb qafile"
puts "error file #{ARGV[0]} does not exist"
end[0], "rb").each do |line|
if line =~/(.*)\s{3,10}(.*)/
flash << $1.strip, $2.strip)
flash.replace(flash.sort_by { rand })
until flash.empty?
drill = flash.pop
print "#{ drill.question}? "
guess = $stdin.gets.chomp
if guess.downcase == drill.answer.downcase
puts "\n\nCorrect -- The answer is: #{ drill.answer}\n\n\n"
else puts "\n\nWRONG -- The answer is: #{ drill.answer}\n\n\n"
Current version that runs slow:
# requires a file of the format
# question<space><space><space><space><space>answer
class FlashCard
def flashEm
@correct = 0
@wrong = 0
@total = 0
unless ARGV[0]
puts "\ n\ nUsage is flashCards.rb < file >\ n\ n"
@flash = []
@card = :question, :answer)
if(!(File.exists? ARGV[0]))
puts "usage main.rb qafile"
puts "error file #{ARGV[0]} does not exist"
end[0], "rb").each do |line|
if line =~/(.*)\s{3,10}(.*)/
@flash << $1.strip, $2.strip)
@flash.replace(@flash.sort_by { rand })
until @flash.empty?
@drill = @flash.pop
print "#{ @drill.question}? "
@guess = $stdin.gets.chomp
@total += 1
if @guess.downcase == @drill.answer.downcase
puts "\n\nCorrect -- The answer is: #{ @drill.answer}\n\n\n"
@correct += 1
else puts "\n\nWRONG -- The answer is: #{ @drill.answer}\n\n\n"
@wrong += 1
@percentage = ((@total - @wrong) / @total) * 100
puts "-----------------------------"
puts "Correct: #{@correct}"
puts "Wrong: #{@wrong}"
puts "Score: #{@percentage}"
puts "-----------------------------"
f =
Hello? I NEED RESOLUTION TO THIS ISSUE. I didn't see any response to my prior several posts. I've been spending significant time trying to help debug and research this issue. And I've posted a minimzed reproduceable case. Now, I need a solution.
Hi Eric,
unfortunately the test you've provided doesn't reproduce the problem in my environment :(
So, it might be some problem in your environment. Do you have any filewall (other software) which may block network connections
RubyMine and ruby-debug-ide use to transfer data.
Regards, Oleg.
This problem only started with RM 6.0.3. Prior versions worked fine. Also, the same program worked fine when it was simpler. So I don't see how a fireway can be relevant.
But, to resolve the concern, I disabled my Norton personal firewall and ran the reprodueable case posted earlier. It still exhibits the problem.
Also, as you've seen in your forum, others are having this problem with RM 6x. So it's not just me that is having this issue.
Again, the debugger is not usable and I need it working ASAP for an active project I'm working on now. This is URGENT!
Hi Eric,
the probem is that I can not reproduce the problem and so I can not find its root cuase :(
Let's try to reproduce the problem you have one more time: what ruby versions (including patchlevel) are you using?
I've provided that information in the first three posts on this thread.
Note: This problem is 100% reproduceable on my computer.
At this point, I don't have any more time to waste on getting RM up. I'm uninstalling RubyMine and Ruby proper. I will reinstall it from scratch. If that doesn't resolve the problem, I'm uninstalling RM and requesting a refund. For the record, tech support provided no value in resolving this issue and resulted in no success. In addition, tech support was slow to respond and required me to "poke" them multiple times in order to get a response. Buyer beware. If my opinion of JetBrains support changes in the future, I will edit this post.
I just gave up.
Uninstalling EVERYTHING related to Ruby and RubyMine resulted in an improvement, but the problem persists. I also have noticed that now several key new bugs have been introducted in the UI.
Unfortunate. RubyMine seemed like a good product and I've been a loyal customer since version 3 or 4 I think.
But the product is no longer usable. And support was not helpful and was non-responsive.
I hereby request a refund for RubyMine 6 and prior license fees paid (and now wasted).
Hi Eric,
I wish we could solve your problem. But the developers tried to reproduce it for several times with no success. Could you please try the latest EAP version as the last chance? If it doesn't work for you either, please contact me ( regarding the refund.
I had purchased RubyMine 4.0 and 4.5 and used with great success. I started evaluating v 6.0.3 and EAP 134.1146 and see debugging does not work on:
UbuntuStudio 13.10
Oracle Java 1.7.5x
ruby 2.1 or rubinius 2.5.x. (rvm use ruby --default)
On Windows 7 x64 with ruby 2.0.x x64 (RubyInstaller) and EAP 134.1146 I can step in the debugger.
My main development system is on Linux. I see other complaints about the debugger not working. I read a dev comment that the next EAP after 6.0.3 will have better rubinius debug support. This doesn’t appear to be the case. When will this be fixed ? I cannot purchase the product without a working debugger.
FYI, on Linux, you can start the debugger and it stops at the first break point then all the buttons go grey and while you can stop, you have to kill the task.
What is the difference between the Linux and Windows same version release ? Java ? something internal ?
Okay, devs, you said you cannot reproduce the problem on your end. I can reproduce this at will using virtual machines with a Windows 7x64 vanilla install or Ubuntu Studio live CD for a "clean" environment. It is not just slow, it doesn't work after hitting the first break point on linux.
What versions are you using so we can test your environment ?
Thanks for your past efforts in 4.5. I'll thank you with $$$ to resolve this and getting rubinius debugging working :)
I do have Windows8 x64 and "ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27) [i386-mingw32]" and the dibugger works.
Also I have Ubuntu 13.10 x64, jdk 1.7.5x and debugger works ok for ruby 1.9.3, 2.0.0, and 2.1.0.
I have even tried remote debug (using remote sdks) from windows to vagrant Ubuntu 12.04 32bits with 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1.0 and it works also.
As for rubinius: we do not support debugging with it (see the main reason is that it require substantial amount of work and
(based on votes) very few people are interesting in it. If you do think that it is important please vote for it.
And if you think it is really important consider help us (ruby-debug-ide the gem we use for debugger is opensourced - ;)
Hope this clarify the situation.
Regards, Oleg.
P.S. if you have problems with debugging MRI or jruby please report them we do really want to fix them but we can not if we do not hve enough information :(