How to insert ruby erb comments in html file?


I use RM at home and at work. At home, when I am editing an html file and press "Ctrl-/" the IDE inserts a Ruby/Erb comment (<%#  %>) (actually, I use Haml so I think it's -#).

Anyway, at work when I press "Ctrl-/" in an html file the IDE inserts an html comment (<!-- -->).

I've searched the doc and the Settings dialog box and can't figure out how to instruct RM to insert a Ruby/Erb comment instead of an html one when I am editing an html file.

Can someone tell me how to specify this?


Oleg Sukhodolsky


we only hace "Comment with line|block comment" actions and what kind of comment should be added (# - for ruby, <!-- --> for html) decided automatically
so there is no way to change this.  But why do you need this?

Regards, Oleg.


Hi Oleg,

Thanks for responding. The IDE does behave differently w.r.t. erb vs. haml: When I'm editing a .html.haml file and hit "Ctrl-/" it inserts a ruby comment but when I'm editing a .html.erb file it inserts an html comment.

The reason I would like to change it is that whenever I add a comment to a view file I almost always (99% of the time) want it to be a ruby one so it does not end up in the generated code in the web page. When I'm editing a haml file all I have to do is press "Ctrl-/" to achieve this; when I'm editing a .erb file I have to type "<%#" which, being all special characters, is slow and a kind of a pain. (I am aware there are many, many, many far more painful things in life, but this is just kind of annoying. I like to comment my code and whenever I add one to a .erb file I kind of have to stop my touch-typing so I can look at the keyboard and start hunting-and-pecking for the special characters.)

Thanks anyway,

Oleg Sukhodolsky

The functionality you asking looks reasonable feel free to file a request in our tracker

Regards, Oleg.


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