RubyMine with Jira for Task Server.. Empty Results
We recently switched from Redmine to Jira for issues.. When I use Jira for the Task Server and try to open a new task control space results in "No suggestions". Seems it won't load
any issues from Jira. I installed the Atlassian plugin later. that works in that I can see issues.. update the status in Jira and create ChangeSets... but Its a bit frustrating to not be able to utilize the context switching that having tasks provides.. Has anyone had any luck pointing Rubymine at Jira for Tasks?
using RubyMine 4.5.4 on Ubuntu 12.04.. Pointing to Jira OnDemand 6.0
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Ok so I noticed this in the logs today.. (token changed for posting) Seems that RubyMine is rejecting the cookie due to the domains not matching.. Any suggestions on fixing this? (I really miss the context of tasks)
2013-01-22 11:33:16,008 [9552237] INFO - llij.tasks.jira.JiraRepository - JIRA: 0 issues found
2013-01-22 11:33:24,978 [9561207] WARN - mons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase - Cookie rejected: "$Version=0; studio.crowd.tokenkey=999CHANGED999; $Path=/; $". Illegal domain attribute "". Domain of origin: ""
2013-01-22 11:33:25,040 [9561269] INFO - llij.tasks.jira.JiraRepository - JIRA: 0 issues found
am I right that you are using Jira-integration plugin? If so I'm afraid we have nothing to do here
I'd suggest to contact maintaints of the plugin.
Sorry that I do not have a magic solution for you :(
Regards, Oleg.
so the built in task server plugin that comes with RubyMine is made by the Jira folks? I did also later install the Jira plugin from the Jira folks separately.. that works perfectly fine.. fetches issues/tasks and even updates them..
Oops. Sorry, my mistake I though you are saying about atlassian connector (other plugin which works with jira) :(
I'll discuss the problem with the developer who is responsible for task management plugin.
Regards, Oleg.
This is a known problem: Hopefully this
will be fixed soon.