Dvorak Keys
Using a Dvorak layout on a Macbook Air, RubyMine 3.2.2 doesn't correctly recognise certain keys for short cuts:
[ is seen by RM as -
] is seen by RM as =
/ is seen by RM as [
= is seen by RM as ]
- is seen by RM as '
' is seen by RM as q
, is seen by RM as w
. is seen by RM as e
; is seen by RM as z
All these keys work fine in the editor window though.
Is this a known issue and is there a fix?
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Hello John,
Please vote, watch and track progress of the corresponding issue: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/IDEA-27262
Thanks Oleg,
I have voted it up but I guess I shouldn't hold my breath as it looks as though it has been an issue since 2009 and on Linux since 2007.