Please provide complete list of gems necessary for each version?


I understand that open source is supposed to be this grand open-air market place of development goodies that is watched over by a wonderful group of wizards who are all-knowing and all-seeing, etc.

But from here it just looks like a snow-ball fight. everybody flinging contributions and you got snow up your nose, snow in your ears and a bloody cut over your eye.

However, I just want to open Ruby Mine and work.

AND I have to keep wasting a whole afternoon or an evening trying to get the vershickende gems installed.

(I aint' gonna ask why they gotta be called something cute like 'gems' or 'beans' like I'm in some chocolate factory world or at the top of a beanstalk... no I'm not going to.)

Could you PLEASE give me a list of at least one complete group of gems (with the correct version of each gem) that will make the RAILS and whatever basic other features of Ruby Mine 3.0 or 3.01 'just work'?

And please make the list include only the correct versions of all the correct modules that are actually available in the online repositories?

Do I have to spend another trial day wasting my time trying to figure out your insane group of attach install screens that show a list of gems as 'installed' but then they can't be 'attached' because the attach screen wants to install the gem but it can't find it because its not in any repository and why is that (no please do not explain it, just give me the list)?

Oh, wait, maybe if you just put a status column in the grids? Nah... that would be too easy, no.. I didn't really ask that, forget I said anything.

And please try to avoid giving me an explanation of why things are the way they are instead of just giving me a list or whatever it is that will just allow me to set these things and finally start to work after six months?


And why don't you package a working selection of these components with your ide? no forget that! I don't want to know, I just want to work!

Thank you,

Kimball Johnson

Message was edited by: Kimball Johnson


And please try to avoid giving me an explanation of why things are the way they are instead of just giving me a list or whatever it is that will just allow me to set these things and finally start to work after six months?


E.g.: rails 3.0.1, rspec 2.3.x (2.4.0 isn't supported due to bug in rspec 2.4.0), bundler 1.0.5. And please check which Ruby sdk does your project use - RubyMine | File | Settings | Ruby Sdk and Gems | Ruby interpreter

RubyMine itself doesn't require any gems. Gems are required in your application. E.g. for applications with bundler support (e.g. all rails 3.x applications) RubyMine looks in Gemfile. If some gems mentioned in Gemfile are missed in current project sdk (See RubyMine | File | Settings | Ruby Sdk and Gems dialog) RubyMine will suggest install them using bundler, i.e. with "bundler install" command. In rails 2.x application RubyMine scans environment.rb file. Also please distinguish "install gem" and "attach gem" terms in RubyMine. "Attach" gem is only a setting for RubyMine code insight engine. RubyMine parses and provides gem-specific features only for attached gems, just to improve performance and do not show useless features in current context. At the moment RubyMine automatically "attaches" to project gems which are mentioned in Gemfile or environment.rb (rails 2.x). In future version we are going to replace "attached gems" setting with just Gemfile.

Do I have to spend another trial day wasting my time trying to figure out your insane group of attach install screens that show a list of gems as 'installed' but then they can't be 'attached' because the attach screen wants to install the gem but it can't find it because its not in any repository and why is that (no please do not explain it, just give me the list)?

Could you show error? Probably it is an error of "bundler install" command and is related only to wrong Gemfile info and doesn't related to RubyMine. E.g. some out dated git gems repo, etc ?

And please make the list include only the correct versions of all the correct modules that are actually available in the online repositories?

Any way you can install gems manually, in " RubyMine | File | Settings | Ruby Sdk and Gems" dialog, "Install gems" button. Only available gems will be shown there.

Usually latest RubyMine normally supports up to date and recent version of basic gems, like rails, rspec, cucumber, test-unit, shoulda etc. gems. For my test sampe projects I usually install latest available gem.

Permanently deleted user


I've done a lot of research, and IMHO Rubymine is the best product out there, whether free or not. If your are struggling to write something in rails, I suggest to use CLI (command line interface) first before you decide to use an IDE.

There is a lot, and I mean a LOT of awesome coming from ruby, rails, gems, etc. Honestly, I've only studied ruby/rails since mid Nov. I HAVE NOT wrote a single program (some working code smippets), yet I'm 100% confident that ruby/rails is the way to go. I'm throwing away ALL of my previous languages: Basic,VB, VBA,  Java, C++. There is no place for them anymore (ok, probably C++ for a long while, no trolling please). Some people like Notepad to do all their work. I'd do that too unless I find a particular IDE, and with RubyMine, it's really darn good! Nothing is perfect, but it's great! Great enough for me to have a reason to not use notepad anymore.

I have a few suggestion to you:
  RubyMine is on sale, for $29. Can you throw away $29 if you decide you don't like it?
  Visit Watch some tutorials
  Go to this seminar: I Attended this in December and it is the best seminar I've attended yet. It will bring you up to speed on Rails 3
  Purchacse this book:  And read the first 10 chapters, even if you are focusing on Rails development only.
  Purchase this book: This is the newest, best BBD out there!

For 5 years we've been hard pressed to research how we will graduate our 13 year old VBA/VB app until a new langauage. 5 years, becuase we haven't like anything we've seen. It took me 1-2 months to decided that Ruby/Rails was our next language. It has RAD, with DRY concepts, and power like I've never seen. Like many people have said, "It makes coding fun again."

my 2 cents


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