Haml/Sass support would be nice, but definitely wouldn't be in my top priorities list. In my own experience, haml/sass doesn't work for "real work" applications where views are created (or at least prototyped) by a design team and not by programmers. While HTML+ERb isn't as design-friendly as it could be, it's much better than haml.
I'm a UI designer and I've been using HAML for the past year (in RubyMine). It can do everything HTML can, better and faster. I need to have it supported in my PHP IDE.
EDIT *** Ooops... thought I was in the PHPStorm community... where HAML is not supported, sorry ***
No there are no such plans yet. Do you find such feature really usable?
Haml/Sass support would be nice, but definitely wouldn't be in my top priorities list. In my own experience, haml/sass doesn't work for "real work" applications where views are created (or at least prototyped) by a design team and not by programmers. While HTML+ERb isn't as design-friendly as it could be, it's much better than haml.
We have an issue about Haml support http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/RUBY-1469. But it has low priority.
I'm a UI designer and I've been using HAML for the past year (in RubyMine). It can do everything HTML can, better and faster. I need to have it supported in my PHP IDE.
EDIT *** Ooops... thought I was in the PHPStorm community... where HAML is not supported, sorry ***
Hi Paul,
Actually here is an issue: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/WI-1291
Feel free to vote, comment and track progress of it.