RubyMine 96-552 quits immediately after launch?
I have a license for RubyMine that's current through 5/2011. I downloaded RubyMine EAP 96-552 for OS X, copied it to my Applications directory (next to RubyMine 2.0.2, which works perfectly), and tried to run it. The bouncing RubyMine icon briefly appears in the OS X dock, then disappears, with no message at all. (RubyMine 2.0.2 isn't running when I'm trying to run RubyMine 2.5 EAP.)
Can you point me to what might be going wrong?
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I'm running on OS X 10.5.8, BTW.
Hi Ed,
Most likely you experience the problem with wrong Java version. The latest RubyMine build requires Java 6 to be launched with. Please ensure that you are using JDK6.
If it doesn't work, please submit log file as described here:
UPD: here is a forum thread discussing Java version problem:
Best regards,
Thanks for the response! You gave me the clue to solve my problem.
The solution was to edit the RedMine bundle, Contents/info.plist, and change the Java/JVMVersion setting to '1.6*' (was '1.5+'). Since my box has Java 1.5 as the default Java but it does have Java 1.6 installed, the '1.5+' setting must have caused Java 1.5 to be used. Changing the setting to '1.6*' caused Java 1.6 to be used and RedMine was happy.
If RedMine 2.5 requires 1.6, the info.plist should reflect it. I'll open a ticket, if there isn't already one open.
We've updated Info.plist settings.
Had the same problem July 19th. info.plist still has 1.5+, rather than 1.6+ in July 19th dmg download for Mac.
We haven't yet published the build with this fix.
Sorry for such inconveniences.
Best regards,