Merb and Sinatra support

Do you plan to support more Ruby web frameworks? E.g Merb and Sinatra? Rails still has worse funtionality than Merb, is slower, less component oriented, has worse url resolver etc. On the other side, Sinatra is quite popular for small, fast services. It would be great if RubyMine could have better support for Merb and Sinatra, not only Rails.


Sinatra is small but great.      Vote for Sinatra.


Hi guys,

hipertracker wrote:

Do you plan to support more Ruby web frameworks? E.g Merb and Sinatra? Rails still has worse funtionality than Merb, is slower, less component oriented, has worse url resolver etc. On the other side, Sinatra is quite popular for small, fast services. It would be great if RubyMine could have better support for Merb and Sinatra, not only Rails.

We already have requests for these features:
For Sinatra:
For Merb:

Best regards,


But is there any decision made? When could we expect Merb suppport? Even if Rails and Merb will merge in Rails 3, Merb should still be developed. And nobody actually know when Rails 3 will be released...


Hi Jaroslaw,

But is there any decision made? When could we expect Merb suppport? Even if Rails and Merb will merge in Rails 3, Merb should still be developed. And nobody actually know when Rails 3 will be released...

We haven't yet any specific plans on this, we have some kind of draft of roadmap for next version, but most likely it will be correctred according to users votes and requests.



Hello Jaroslaw,

Do you plan to support more Ruby web frameworks? E.g and Rails still has
worse funtionality than Merb, is slower, less component oriented, has
worse url resolver etc. On the other side, Sinatra is quite popular
for small, fast services. It would be great if RubyMine could have
better support for Merb and Sinatra, not only Rails.

Since the Rails/Merb merger was announced, we've decided that Merb support
is no longer a priority for us. Supporting Merb requires a significant development
effort from us, and if we started now, by the time we're done Rails 3 would
be already released, solving most of the disadvantages of Rails 2 compared
to Merb. And we do plan to support Rails 3 in any case.

So, while there's a feature request indeed, don't hold your breath waiting
for it to be implemented. :)

Sinatra, on the other hand, is light and simple and requires very little
special IDE support, in my opinion. What features exactly would you like
to see for better Sinatra support?

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


My idea is to have RubyMine a bit more framewework-agnostic. All Ruby web frameworks  have already moved to Rack. So I could see strong Rack support which could allow RubyMine to work with any Rack based framework (as far as I know, even Rails is already Rack compatible).


Hello Jaroslaw,

My idea is to have RubyMine a bit more framewework-agnostic. All Ruby
web frameworks  have already moved to Rack. So I could see strong Rack
support which could allow RubyMine to work with any Rack based
framework (as far as I know, even Rails is already Rack compatible).

Rack doesn't have much to do with the kind of framework support we provide
in RubyMine. Rack only controls runtime behavior, it has nothing to do with
file and directory layout, migrations, meaning of method parameters, and
so on.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Definietly +1 for Sinatra support in future versions of RubyMine


Hello Sebastian,

Definietly +1 for Sinatra support in future versions of RubyMine

What kind of support exactly would you like to see?

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"


Maybe some of this?

  • show fancy file struncture when editing descendant of Sinatra::Base class or file with require 'sinatra' - show all get 'something', put 'other', post 'another' ... as methods
  • provide 'Sinatra quick list' simmilar to Rails quick list witch go to view, go to test ...
  • easily run Sinatra app, just like Rails app
  • provide completion when setting options like: set :public, set :views, set :sessions
  • generator for Sinatra::Base app class
  • generator for test class

Controller <-> template fast switching, for instance.
Maybe Rake task inside RubyMine (loaded from Rakefile if it exists).

Instead of Sinatra, I could give another Rack based framework - Ramaze. It is light, modular, Rake based framework. But it has also generators etc.

But actually I am more interested in Merb.

BTW, I don't like to open every project in its own window. It is more convenient to have one window with tree of projects (like in Netbeans).

  • code completion for template file, such as erb :index
  • el variable support in erb template
  • easy to run Sinatra app, and reload support will be great

+1 for sinatra support

I'd like to see:
- built-in sinatra runner, with shotgun for development mode
- a sinatra console, using racksh
- a way to jump quickly between handlers and views
- support for rspec / cucumber


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