KeyMap for MacOS Users
Hi guys,
Month ago in RubyMine #638 we bundled alternative RubyMine Mac OS keymap (rev.2). Main improvements of the keymap was:
- no conflicts with the default Mac OS X shortcuts (e.g. show Desktop, Spaces, Dashboard, etc).
- Mac OS X style shortcuts for navigation between tabs, back/forward action, close current window action, etc.
- allows enabling column selection mode from keyboard of MacBook/MackBookPro
Has anybody tried that keymap? Should we make it default for MacOS users? (at current moment by default we suggest MacOS keymap of IntelliJ IDEA)
P.S: As for me - I use that keymap in IntelliJ IDEA 8.1 with ruby plugin for RubyMine development on MacOS. Also I mapped swipe left/right trackpad gestures to [ / ] and thus I use gestures to navigate back/forward in IntelliJ IDEA and RubyMine.
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I come from IntelliJ to RubyMine and absolutely love it. I also recently started using a macbook and tried out v2 of the keymapping. I like it. I copied it and made some modification (to do emacs style split window thing). I don't really care if it should be default or not since I always modify default anyways. But I imagine making it default will be more friendly to mac users.
This is a bit off topic, but since you're an OSX user, does the CMD-/
(toggle comment) work for you? It has never worked for me. IDEA appears
to have it registered as a mnemonic, but it doesn't seem to trigger. Is
there a native key-binding that needs to be disabled?
Roman.Chernyatchik wrote:
As far as I know it isn't a native OS key binding. Meta+/ always works on my computer (in RubyMine and IntelliJ IDEA). May be you use not MacOS keymap and this action is binded on Control+/ ?
Thanks for feedback! Could you share this emacs style shortcut for splitting windows?
Sure, ^x, 2
cmd + / works for me in os x keymapping
I personally find the pressing the fn key and then pressing cmd + f4 very odd, why not stick with the convention of cmd + w for closing tabs? Thats what it is in firefox, eclipse, textmate safari and such.
Kevin, this thread is related to new MacOS keymap for RubyMine. Just choose this "Mac OS (rev.2)" keymap( in RubyMine settings and Meta+W will close current tab! It seems your use RubyMine's default classic MacOS keymap that is similar to Windows/Linux keymaps and to IDEA MacOS keymap. We are going to make "MacOS (rev.2)" default keymap for MacOS users in future builds.
Also I recommend your to enabled MacOS option "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys. When this option is selected, press Fn ket to use the special fratures printed on each key" (see System Preferences|Keyboard & Mouse|Keyboard). Thus for pressing F8 you should just press "F8" key instead of Fn+F8 and "play/pause" will be bound to Fn+F8
Thank you. I'm glad to hear this will be default behaviour in future, I've taken your advice to ammend my 'f' keys in the sys prefs as well.
Actually in new keymap I've change a lot of RubyMine's bindings(comparing to old classic MacOS keymap) and I'm not sure that everyone will like it. So at first I want to gather feedback about keymap, may be fix some bindings.
Roman, how do I get that keymap in IntelliJ? I use IntelliJ by day for my day job. I'm a paying customer. 8.1 only offers me the standard MacOS keymap.
It isn't bundled with ruby plugin, just copy attached file to ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIDEA8.x/keymaps/
Loading of the keymap does not seem to work with Diana #9848: "Cannot read scheme MacOSXRevision2Keymap.xml from '$ROOT_CONFIG$/keymaps': null"