Refactoring and code insight not working?
I've just grabbed the 681 EAP release and am having some trouble. I've tried a very basic refactor (rename a method) and it throws an exception at me indicating the rename method was called with no argument. I've also tried for a variable with scope in a single method with the same proplem.
The code insight for the dynamic .find_by_* methods in active record also seems to be not working, with a null pointer error in an unkown plugin being caused.
I am hoping this is something I can fix on my system as it is basic functionality that has been mentioned as working with the code insight getting a big write up on the blog.
I'm using OS X 10.5.6 with the ruby installation that came on the machine. And of course RubyMine EAP 681.
Any tips on config or dependancies that might make these features work a little better?
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All my rename support (files, variables, and methods) fails every time in 681 once that exception is thrown.
My understanding is the renaming and moving refactoring commands are not implemented yet, there was another thread someplace with the details. This is exactly what I'm waiting for, hopefully it will come soon as it would be a huge help.
Its all working fine for me in 715.
Refactoring stopped working for me right around the time I upgraded to IDEA 8.1. I'm currently using plugin 2.0.223960.
I don't see any exception, but renaming just doesn't work. I can see it in the context sensitive menu, but when I click on it (or type SHIFT-F6) nothing happens.
Hello eran,
What kind of element do you want to rename? Does find usages work for it?
Lyall - All refactoring on a rename does currently (at least for me) is rename the file. It does not do a refactor (i.e. find references in code, change the class definition, etc.). Right now it's not a rename refactoring, just a rename.
I can't rename a class, a file, a method or a variable. I can, however, find usages for all of them.
Rename refactoring for file does rename all the links in require/load calls now.
Working hard on Rails aware rename. At the moment rename for views and controller actions works.