RubySDK location
I have installed ruby on rails successfully and tested out the sample apps. I downloaded the intelij plugin but cannot seem to set the rubysdk path properly. When I try to set the following directory as the rubysdk it idea gives the following error? Is it a permission problem?
"The directory selected is not a valid home for Ruby Sdk"
Ples help.
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Please read FAQ at:
You should point ruby sdk directory to /usr/local.
I had this same problem the first time i tried the ruby intellij plugin. I still think it is rather counter-intuitive to have to select the folder that contains the ruby folder.
At current moment such behavior is related to Plugin's API limitations. The idea of such behavior - as in java or jruby SDK home is path to directory with SDK, i.e. /bin/java or /bin/jruby. We have an issue in our JIRA - and note in FAQ's.
P.S: If ruby/jruby interpretator is in system PATH, plugin suggests you corresponding home directory when you add ruby/jruby sdk.