Create a complete JavaHelp system, pack everything together into a single jar file, and put this jar file into a directory named help. Then add this to your plugin.xml:
I have the same scenario + question- trying to create or at least add JavaHelp to a plugin to be displayed when clicking the [Help]-button inside the plugin settings dialog.
Unfortunately the xml part of the old answer to this thread is not being displayed.
I tried configuring the JavaHelp reference inside plugin.xml with :
I compiled the myplugin-help.jar JavaHelp .jar file using a thirdparty tool ( - is there a way to/ how do i author/compile the JavaHelp jar solely using IntelliJ IDEA?
I added the JavaHelp .jar file and it's source into /src/help/ it seems to be included inside my plugin .jar file, but is not being displayed when clicking the [Help]-button inside the plugin settings dialog. Do i need to bind it somehow additionally to be included in IDEAs help system and my plugin settings?
What is the correct location of the JavaHelp file- /help/ or /src/help/ ?
Does the JavaHelp file need to be added to the project structure somehow additionally, or does configuring it inside plugin.xml and placing it inside a help-directory suffice?
Searching the web didn't reveal any tutorial or working advice on how to author/compile/embed JavaHelp using IntelliJ IDEA, so i listed my questions over here, any hints are greatly appreciated.
Hi Steve, My efforts were not really successful. I therefor decided to use a link to an online documentation instead. One advantage of this approach is that it can allow users to add annotations.
If you're more succesful- please let me know your findings ;)
The easiest way to provide help for 3rd party plugins is using extension point
Bundled JavaHelp is invoked via
Create a complete JavaHelp system, pack everything together into a single jar file, and put this jar file into a directory named help. Then add this to your plugin.xml:
I have the same scenario + question- trying to create or at least add JavaHelp to a plugin to be displayed when clicking the [Help]-button inside the plugin settings dialog.
Unfortunately the xml part of the old answer to this thread is not being displayed.
Searching the web didn't reveal any tutorial or working advice on how to author/compile/embed JavaHelp using IntelliJ IDEA, so i listed my questions over here, any hints are greatly appreciated.
Did you get the information you needed? I'm trying to do the same thing right now and can't find any documentation on how to do this.
Hi Steve,
My efforts were not really successful.
I therefor decided to use a link to an online documentation instead. One advantage of this approach is that it can allow users to add annotations.
If you're more succesful- please let me know your findings ;)
Any comments from IDEA team?