Sync engine


Has been thinking about my next plugin and got few ideas.
One is quite challenging to me and before I start would like to hear
some feedback from the community. The problem is that I spend way too
much time configuring IDEA. Color scheme, plugins, formating and so on
it can take up to an hour. I have 2 desktops and 2 laptops (at home and
at work) moving setting files is painful. Also having different version
of IDEA doesn't help either: v6.0, v7.0 M2, latest EAP. I'm using Google
Browser Sync for Firefox and noticed that life can be much easier when
you have sync engine behind your data (bookmarks in that case). I want
the same for IDEA. I want to download one plugin, type my username and
password and get a configured instance of IDEA (no websphere
integration, no struts, but with downloaded regexp, xsl plugins, with my
color scheme and so on).
Would you be interested in such a plugin? Do you need to share IDEA's
settings somehow?


Permanently deleted user

As I'm using IDEA at different locations on different machines: yes, I
would give such a plugin a try.

Martin Fuhrer
Fuhrer Engineering AG

Permanently deleted user

I would be very interested in such a plugin.


maybe this would be interesting for teams as well to manage code styles formatting etc..


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