IdeaSpring - is it still maintained?
Hi, I am trying to use IdeaSpring, but it does not seem to work correctly.
I am using Idea 6.0.4 and have downoladed IdeaSpring v1.3-EAP4
This is the latest version, marked as beta, dated Dec 28 2006.
The only feature that works is displaying Beans and Graph.
Things that would be really useful - xml file navigation, references auto-completion etc do not work at all. There are no errors nor exceptions in the logs.
Can it fixed?
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The only feature that works is displaying Beans and Graph because IdeaSpring v1.3-EAP4 has expired. I plan to release v1.3 next month.
Will the 1.3 be a free upgrade for those of us who paid for the 1.2 version?
Well, I have tried IDEA 7.0 M1 with Spring support integrated and I would say that IDEA beta is already more stable than the plugin was for me, so if you need Spring functionality - just give new IDEA a try.
Yes I agree, I've been using M1 for a day.
I was very much disappointed with the IdeaSpring plugin, especially having paid money for it. It never seemed fully ripe. I was waiting to express outrage if the plugin upgrade required more money from me.