Strange popup on creating files outside of plugin's directory (WebStorm 9)
Hello. Similar to scratch plugin - - I create files in PATH_TO_IDEA_CONFIGS/config/plugins/my_plugin/ directory. It was ok. I tested my plugin with Webstorm 9. Now Webstorm prints strange popup -
1. How can I prevent this popup?
2. What's the correct way to store custom plugin's files (which can be creted by user's actions)
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I guess you would find an answer here
NonProjectFileWritingAccessProvider doesn't have `allowAccess` method
Do you have docs for this feature?
Ok, I looked into it and I have no idea how to use this thing either.
Those static methods are very confusing....
These static methods are not supposed to be used directly; you should override NonProjectFileWritingAccessExtension instead
WebStorm 9 SDK doesn't have this class (I found it in IDEA 14 SDK).
1. How can I solve this problem in WebStrorm 9 and IDEA 14?
2. How do you think is it ok that you change API so frequently?
1) This class is available in WebStorm 9 as well (webstorm.jar)
2) This API is not public yet