JUnit Generator template
I am trying to change my template to generate a JUnit4 class. Everything works (including /../test/ to send the classes to the test director), except the individual methods are not being generated. Can someone help?
Available variables:
$entryList.methodList - ArrayList of method names
$entryList.fieldList - ArrayList of class scope field names
$entryList.className - class name
$entryList.packageName - package name
$today - Todays date in MM/dd/yyyy format
You can configure the output class name using "testClass" variable below.
Here are some examples:
Test${entry.ClassName} - will produce TestSomeClass
${entry.className}Test - will produce SomeClassTest
#macro (cap $strIn)$strIn.valueOf($strIn.charAt(0)).toUpperCase()$strIn.substring(1)#end
Iteratre through the list and generate testcase for every entry.
#foreach ($entry in $entryList)
#set( $testClass="${entry.className}Test")
package $entry.packageName;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
${entry.className} Tester.
@author Norris Shelton
@since <pre>$today</pre>
@version $Revision$
public class $testClass {
Set-up the test. Open a database connection, create test records or anything else you need to do.
public void setUp() {
// do something
#foreach($method in $entry.methodList)
Perform a test.
public void test#cap($)() {
//TODO: Test goes here...
// assertNotNull(...);
// assertTrue(...);
Tear-down the test.
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
// do something
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Check to see if the methods in the class under test are annotated. I've discovered that annotations prior to function declarations break unit test generation using JUnitGenerator.
Hope that helps.
-- Morgan