variable highlighter
I am trying to switch from JBuilder and am finding a lot of great things in IntelliJ. However, one important feature I used as a plugin in JBuilder, I cannot find in IntelliJ. Therefore, I am wondering if there is a plugin for IntelliJ to accomplish the same thing. The plugin for JBuilder would automatically hightlight all occurrences of the variable under the caret in the editor window. Plus it would allow easy navigation to each occurrence with AltUp and AltDown. AltLeft would go to the declaration and AltRight would go back to the occurrence where you first starting navigating.
This is THE most important and useful feature I used in JBuilder and was extremely productive. Any plugin for IntelliJ for this (or is it built in and I just can't find it)?
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Do you mean Ctrl-Shift-F7?
That is what I want, but I would prefer that the variable usages highlights as soon as my caret moves over a variable. Also, I would like an easy to way to jump to each usage. How would I begin writing a plugin for this? I have never written a plugin and am in the middle of going through the beginner's documentation.
Moving to the OpenAPI forum for more detailed questions
The last word from JetBrains was that this functionality will be included in 6.5, specifically because so many people were used to it from using Eclipse and JBuilder. They've also promised that it would be toggleable, for those of us who would hate it.
--Dave Griffith
This feature is one of the rare that I lack in IDEA.
I saw your plugin is available for download. I tried it, it's useful but I encounter few problems:
- it seems that it highlights occurances of a word, not a Java language identifier.
- when I tried to adjust colors to more lighter and pastel ones, the exception occur and color configuration dialog didn't appear
Both of these have been fixed in the latest release, 2.02