Display Browser
is there anyway to access the Browser like the documentation?
I want to implement a plugin that cann access the browser and display its contents as an emeded Tab .
Any possible solutions for my thoughts?
Kind regards
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I'm afraid I don't quite understand what do you want to achieve but IJ documentation UI is represented by DocumentationComponent class (uses JEditorPane for actual rendering).
I need a fully working browser, jeditorpane isnt able to render html and css properly. Besides it isnt able to run javascript.
In earlier version JXBrowser was implemented, but this is out of discussion since it is commercial.
The Browser should be embeded as a tab .just like one tab that displays the normal sourcecode.
AFAIK we don't have such a component at IJ.
I've did it with swt. If someone wants to know more feel free to ask :).
Hello, I need to do the same plugin. Can you please explain what did you do there?
Thank you!
Hi, as i mentioned before, i used swt to display the browser in the ToolWindow.
It is quite tricky to explain it this way, the best way should be if you read my source.
I tested it on ubuntu x64_86 and x86 with webkit.
You need to download swt from http://www.eclipse.org/swt/ and set the jar as dependencie to your project.
Hi syt, thanks very much, I will definitely take a look at the code - this would be really useful for me too.
Looks good to me!
I wonder if this would be a clever way to get access to JavaScript Canvas diagrams with d3.js etc?
As I believe the current Java diagrams are closed source within IntelliJ?