[ANN] Cargo Plugin 0.1 for IDEA 4.5.4
I am glad to announce the first version of the Cargo plugin for IDEA.
Cargo (http://cargo.codehaus.org/) is a thin wrapper around containers (e.g. J2EE containers like Tomcat or WebLogic). It let's you start and stop containers and also deploy artifacts like EARs and WARs to them.
Version 0.1 of the plugin is based on the Cargo 0.6 release. It currently works only with IntelliJ IDEA 4.5.4. Support for IDEA 5.x is planned for the next version.
Release notes: http://cargo.codehaus.org/ReleasenotesforIntelliJIDEAPlugin0.1
Cargo 0.6 Docs: http://cargo.codehaus.org/download/attachments/10844/cargo-0.6.zip?version=1
Supported Containers: Jetty 4.x, jo 1.x, Orion 1.x/2.x, Oc4J 9.x, Resin 2.x/3.x, Tomcat 3.x/4.x/5.x, WebLogic 8.x
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