Programatic Access to Project Files

Is there any programatic access to project files, outside of intellij? Basically, i'd like to write some ANT tasks to manipulate the project files (adding libraries, etc...). We need to do these things because users checkout a base project file, and then it needs to be changed based on environment variables such as CATALINA_HOME and so forth.

I'd like to not have to directly manipulate the XML, but would rather have a model to work with, and then serialize the .ipr, .iws, and .iml files to disk when i was done with them.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Permanently deleted user

Hello Matthew,

MI> Is there any programatic access to project files, outside of
MI> intellij? Basically, i'd like to write some ANT tasks to manipulate
MI> the project files (adding libraries, etc...). We need to do these
MI> things because users checkout a base project file, and then it needs
MI> to be changed based on environment variables such as CATALINA_HOME
MI> and so forth.
IDEA 4.0 has the notion of Path Variables that could help you for handling environment specific paths.


Permanently deleted user

This brings to another question, how can i access Path Variables when coding a plugin with open-api ?


Permanently deleted user

This is something that owould be usefull fo rme too.
- How can I access Path Variables from withing my plugin?
- How can I manipulate iml properties from within my plugin?



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