[ANN] JBoss Integration Plugin 2.3 released
- Support for IDEA 5.0 EAP (build 3117)
- Dynamic loading of JBoss runtime libraries improved
- Distribution format changed from ZIP to JAR
- Set deployment status to UNKNOWN before deploying a module
Bug fixes:
- Access deployment descriptor from inside read action in module builder
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Where can I find this plug-in? I've looked in http://www.intellij.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IntelliJPluginsHome and all I can find there is what appears to be an older version of the plug-in (https://sourceforge.net/projects/ideajbossplugin, last updated June 8, 2003). A search on google just finds the announcement of the versions on these forums. So where can I get this glittery new integration with JBoss 4.0.1?
And let me once again answer my own question. I just found this here:
Never mind!
Did you use the plugin manager?
Norris Shelton
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Rick Herrick wrote:
>And let me once again answer my own question. I just found this here:
>Never mind!
I did. The latest version available there is 1.5, which I thought didn't have support for JBoss 4.0.1, but I now see does. I misread the version list. I was looking for version 2.3, which I thought is what I needed, but that's set up for the EAP release. Sorry!
OK, I am confused. The plugin that I have (via the manager) is
2.0-eap4. It supports JBoss 4.0.1RC2, but does NOT support 4.0.1. Does
your version support 4.0.1? If so, which did you download? 2.3? Where
did you put it? idea_install\plugins?
Norris Shelton
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Rick Herrick wrote:
>I did. The latest version available there is 1.5, which I thought didn't have support for JBoss 4.0.1, but I now see does. I misread the version list. I was looking for version 2.3, which I thought is what I needed, but that's set up for the EAP release. Sorry!
OK, to make things somewhat clearer:
- Plugin version 1.x is for IDEA 4.5
- Plugin version 2.x is for IDEA 5.0
Latest versions are 1.5 and 2.0-eap4, and both (should?) support JBoss 4.0.1.
Numbering scheme of 2.x line has been changed, so 2.0-eap4 is the successor of 2.3. (I didn't want to waste minor versions only caused by new EAP builds. Sorry for any confusion.)
Did you encounter any problems with 2.0-eap4 and JBoss 4.0.1? If so, what was going wrong?
I thought the plugin did not support 4.0.1, but it appears that I have
an older version on my laptop. Everything looks like it is working
Great plugin, BTW.
Norris Shelton
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Martin Fuhrer wrote:
>OK, to make things somewhat clearer:
>- Plugin version 1.x is for IDEA 4.5
>- Plugin version 2.x is for IDEA 5.0
>Latest versions are 1.5 and 2.0-eap4, and both (should?) support JBoss 4.0.1.
>Numbering scheme of 2.x line has been changed, so 2.0-eap4 is the successor of 2.3. (I didn't want to waste minor versions only caused by new EAP builds. Sorry for any confusion.)
>Did you encounter any problems with 2.0-eap4 and JBoss 4.0.1? If so, what was going wrong?
Thanks for the clarification, Martin. And thanks for your hard work on the plug-in!