Question for JetBrains people
Can someone from JetBrains please tell those of us who had their working plugins removed from how they can get them added back?
I want to hear from JetBrains here, not from the Idea community at large. I have already tried adding the plugin back, but I get told that it already exists. Attempts to upload a new version also fail with similar error messages.
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If you found some IDEA 4.0 compatible plugin removed from Plugin Repository ( tell me
( about it
and I'll put it back.
Sorry for inconvenience.
Stanislav Davydov
Customer Support Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
"Ralph Saunders" <> wrote in message news:5028743.1077979351443.JavaMail.javamailuser@localhost...
them added back?
told that it already exists. Attempts to upload a new version also fail with similar error messages.
Hi Stanislav,
The problem is that the whole "Code Helpers" section got zapped, and it's
not possible to re-upload the plugins into another category because it keeps
telling that the id is already used. I'm not sure why this was done and IIRC
there were few to none plugins in this section that are incompatible with 4.0.
Please consider to put that category back and I suppose the may reappear
Please put the GuiSource plugin (version 0.7) back. The UI category would probably be more appropriate than any replacement for the Code Helpers category. Thanks.
The clearcase plugin "transparent" seems to be missing! It seemed to be working OK for me in 4.0...
Whoops, that was me, I wasn't logged in I guess.
Can someone put the GuiSource plug-in back into the plug-in list? It's been over 6 months since the first request!
The most important plugin ever...
Renamed to ClearcasePlugin to avoid the confusion.