Custom debug plug-in
Hello everybody,
I'm developing a plug-in to launch a custom debug session.
I'm not using the default Java debugging facilities, but a custom native
agent that records the events in the program (TOD is the name of the
tool of you want to google it). This tool can debug any Java program,
so I want to reuse all the dialogs and settings provided by IDEA itself
("Configuration", "Code Coverage" and "Logs" specifically).
My idea of the plug-in is:
1. Add a new button "TOD" next to the original "Debug" button.
2. Launch the same dialog that appears when you click on the "Run" or
"Debug" buttons, but adding a new tab which will provide specific
configuration for TOD.
I have managed to add a new button (registering a new JavaProgramRunner
in ExecutionRegistry).
I also managed to add a new tab to the existing ones (returning a custom
SettingsEditor from getSettingsEditor in my implementation of
JavaProgramRunner), but the result was not what I expected:
- It shows a tab named "Startup/Connection" and I have not been able to
figure out how to change that.
- Besides, the additional tab is also shown when I click on the "Run"
and "Debug" buttons, which is not what I want (it should be shown only
when the "TOD" button is clicked).
So, finally, my question is: how to add a new tab to "run" dialog only
when the "TOD" button is clicked? and how to specify the name of that
additional tab?
Thanks in advance.
Rodolfo Toledo.
PD: the additional tab is designed to hold several additional
configurations, isn't it? I assume that because it shows a list on the
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Also, I would like to know how to add a new tab to the "TOD" tool-window
that will be shown when actually running the application.
Rodolfo Toledo.
Rodolfo Toledo.
I remember once Dmitry Jemerov told me last year that IDEA's debugging UI was very tightly coupled to Java. However, the Ruby plugin has debugging on its roadmap, so maybe you could ask them on their development forum.
Keith Lea wrote:
Thanks for your answer.
I think I didn't explain what I want to do very well. I don't want to
reuse the IDEA's debugging UI, I want to reuse only the dialog that
appear when one clicks on "Run" or "Debug" ("Configuration", "Code
Coverage" and "Logs" specifically).
The UI of the custom debugger will be the one provided by TOD, so the
only thing I want to do is to launch a dialog (the same IDEA uses) to
configure the application and the open a toolwindow with the TOD UI. I
have managed to do most of this, but with the limitations I described
I think this should not be that difficult, but every time I want to try
something, I get lost in IDEA's API.
Best Regards,
Rodolfo Toledo.