Enabling/disabling Menu selections.

How do I enable and disable my plugins menu selections? What I am looking to do is to only have the plugin's menu selection enabled if a certain type of file (specifically the .form file) is selected. I've been poking through the OpenAPI docs, but can't seem top find a way to do this.

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Ralph Saunders wrote:

How do I enable and disable my plugins menu selections? What I am looking to do is to only have the plugin's menu selection enabled if a certain type of file (specifically the .form file) is selected. I've been poking through the OpenAPI docs, but can't seem top find a way to do this.

You basically want to check when you get an update() call to your action.

So I use something like this in my AnAction subclass.

public void update( AnActionEvent event )
super.update( event );
Presentation presentation = event.getPresentation();

presentation.setIcon( getIcon() );

// Want to be disabled when no project open
Project p = (Project)event.getDataContext().getData(DataConstants.PROJECT);
presentation.setEnabled( p != null );

- Paul


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