Future Open API support for EJB
What are the future plans for EJB support in the Open API? Specifically:
Will I be able to gain access to the EJB groups without parsing the project file?
Will I be able to recieve notification when ejb groups are added/ removed, or when ejbs are added/removed to/from ejb groups?
I've been attempting to develop a plugin that requires these things and the current Open API is woefully inadequate for my needs. I've tried to hack some stuff together but continually run into limitations.
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Yeah, +1 to a richer API for EJB handling. Ideally it should be possible to have this hook into any number of appservers, where one could create an ejb and have it automatically deployed in the container, or verified by the container etc etc.
The ability to build container specific deployment descriptors and do auto deployment to any number of app servers was where I was headed but the API is severly lacking. If I do manage to cobble something together, I'll release an early version of this pluggin.
Jeff: I understand you were writing some kind of EJB plug-in. Did you manage to get anywhere with that? I'm working on something similar and... well... let's just say it's proving to be a painful experience.
If you have any code or tips that might help me get headed in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it, since there's no documentation. My email: digital_illuminati@yaXXhoo.com (remove Xs)
I never got anywhere with it, the Open API just didn't really allow for anything meaningful here, so I gave up. Hopefully the Aurora Open API will be a little richer.
good luck.