Well, the following works for me: 1) Duplicate the IDEA directory 2) Edit the bin/idea.lax file. Change all references to the IDEA directory and to the system and config paths (scan for -Didea.system.path, you will see what I mean) -- you will need separate directories for the test version. I just use .IntelliJIdeaTest in my home directory. 3) Create a new shortcut for the test version. If you caught all the references in idea.lax, you will now be able to run a separate copy for testing plugins.
Debugging plugins is actually quite easy: Just put the settings that are provided by IDEA's remote debug configuration (something like -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005) into idea.lax in your test-installation of IDEA. The settings should be appended to the key 'lax.nl.java.option.additional'.
After starting the test-instance, you can attach the debugger as with any other program.
After starting the test-instance, you can attach the debugger as with any other program.
What you mean is I have two IDEA's running. One in debug mode (test-instance), and a normal IDEA that you remote debug from. As you do when you remote debug's your EJB's in an app.server.
Couldn't a plugin be written which loads and delegates to another plugin, but loads the plugin with it's own (dynamic) classloader?
Well, the following works for me:
1) Duplicate the IDEA directory
2) Edit the bin/idea.lax file. Change all references to the IDEA directory and to the system and config paths (scan for -Didea.system.path, you will see what I mean) -- you will need separate directories for the test version. I just use .IntelliJIdeaTest in my home directory.
3) Create a new shortcut for the test version. If you caught all the references in idea.lax, you will now be able to run a separate copy for testing plugins.
Hope this helps,
And be able to debug your plugin would also be very nice.
Debugging plugins is actually quite easy: Just put the settings that are provided by IDEA's remote debug configuration
(something like -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005)
into idea.lax in your test-installation of IDEA.
The settings should be appended to the key 'lax.nl.java.option.additional'.
After starting the test-instance, you can attach the debugger as with any other program.
What you mean is I have two IDEA's running. One in debug mode (test-instance), and a normal IDEA that you remote debug from. As you do when you remote debug's your EJB's in an app.server.
I haven't thought about that thanks for the info.