Where's JDK Bundled version of Intellij IDEA 14 for Mac?

Finally IntelliJ IDEA 14 released with version: ideaIU-139.224.
I used ideaIU-139.223.8-jdk-bundled(EAP) on my Mac and I must say JDK 8 is very essential.

On Homepage we can only get 14 for Mac without JDK 8.
Where can I get 14 for Mac bundled JDK 8?

Permanently deleted user

Since the bundled version was listed as 'experimental', I'm not expecting it to be made available as an official release.
Since I need to be running on Java 7 or newer, I'm just sticking with the 139.233 EAP build, which is working fine.

Permanently deleted user

I just noticed that the release build is also available from the EAP page, including the version with bundled JDK.
For the Ultimate edition, the link text is wrongly stating that it's the 223 build, it actually downloads the 224 release build.


As of the latest release, the bundled version is the default download, which means no more of this confusing mess.


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